Was that Wednesday? I had my share of ups and downs yesterday.
I had moments when everything went well and others where they just didn’t.
But that’s how life is, right?!
Each and every day…in every season of our lives we are faced with new challenges. We have to make new decisions. We have to decide to either commit or not to commit to a task, function, or a role.
I find that these are the times when I begin to reevaluate my priorities. I look at my progress. Am I consistent in what I do? Am I holding myself accountable or do I have someone in my life that can do it for me when I can’t?
Yet, parenting is one of those things where you never know what trials or tests we are going to face. Parenting tests our ability and our inabilities. It is one of the many roles in life that test or check our character. Parenting proves if we are who we say we are…who we hope to be…or who we said we would never be…
It is in this, that we have to stand strong in the promises of God…cast all of our cares upon Him…for He cares for us…
When I need wisdom…I ask…He supplies…
Parenting causes me to say “Lord, help me to push when I need to push, but not pass the limit that you have set…that is needed…Help me to hold on when I should and to let go when I need to…Help me Lord to raise them right…pleasing in Your sight. For you gave them to me…Let me stand up for them and with them…when I should against their will to do wrong…to quit, to not try…help me to teach them resilience and accountability. Help me to show them the way that you have shown me…”
This is my hearts prayer…for me…for my husband…for my children…my grandchildren…
I even pray this for you…that you would be encouraged and strengthened to influence and assist a young person in their growth and maturity. When you feel like giving up, that God would equip you with the strength to continue to go on and to see the task all the way through…
That was Wednesday…over that hump…
Now, this is Thursday…
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