Over the course of our life times we are faced with choices.
Our life experiences shape the way that we view the world and in a way, they predetermine the choices that we make…unless something or someone intervenes to help reshape the way that we view the world.
In this manner, our relationships become as important, if not more important than the experiences that we’ve had.
Last night, I sat and had a conversation with my husband about a few things. I realized, once again, that it is important to get wise counsel before making a choice, if I’m not sure what to do. (And in many cases, even when I’m sure what to do)
You see, just because we view the world in a specific way doesn’t mean that it’s the way that the world should be viewed. Just because we want to handle a situation a certain way, doesn’t mean that we should…
Sometimes…most of the times…no, all of the times…it is important for us to thoroughly consider the choices that we make. How will our choices affect other people? How will they affect us?
We have to take our time to make the proper, correct, right choice…the one that represents us…
I am thankful for my husband. I am thankful for his wisdom. I am thankful for our unity.
It is my hope that I would always be able to consider the various options before me and the effects of each choice that I make, wisely.
Have you ever realized that your choices should be thoroughly considered and in considering them, you changed your mind? If so, what or who made you see this? What would the outcome have been like if you made the other choice? Please share…
Love the share. Always a plus to have the wisdom of your partner to lift and encourage you to be the best you you can be
Thanks for your encouraging words. I’m glad that you enjoyed it.