Have you ever thought about what it takes to bring up children? How are parents supposed to help children become responsible educated adults? Have you ever wondered what kind of time and effort it would require or the amount of commitment that it would take?
The truth is that not to many people do. Many people may even say, “There’s nothing to it, but to do it. Right?!”
That’s right! I used all capital letters and three exclamation points. I want you to think about this. There is more to it than just doing it.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child. Think about training and all that goes into it on the part of the trainer and the trainee. That means that a lot of hard work, preparation, educating, correcting, and patience will be needed. Now, that is a lot to be required of parents, but there is more that will be needed. Parents have to be willing to make choices and to stand behind them. They have to teach their children right from wrong and be willing to discipline them when they are wrong. With all of that, there is more…
The world will come up against everything that a parent attempts to instill in a child. Here are a few examples of what parents will encounter:
Parent: “Wear you coat.”
Child: “I don’t want to wear my coat. Bobby, Susan, and Jane don’t have their coats on.”
Parent: “I’m not their mother.
At this point the parent will have to decide what to do. Will the parent give in or stand behind the decision that was originally made.
Parent: “We don’t use that type of language!”
Child: “Why not? I heard it on t.v…”
Parent: “Because it’s wrong and foul.”
Child: “But Jane talks like that all the time and her mother doesn’t say anything.”
The parent has to decide how to handle the situation.
Parents have to talk to their children about drinking, drugs, sex, friendships, faith, morals, and so much more.
It is our responsibility to teach and train our children. When they leave our homes, they are supposed to be responsible, educated, morally good, adults. If you are a Christian, like I am, then our children should also leave our homes filled with faith, knowing how to pray, and trust God in all situations. They should not be afraid to make hard choices. In fact they should expect to and realize that making those choices will change the lives of those around them.
Training up children is not easy, but it is an honorable job. What the world wants for my children is not what is important to us. Instead we focus in on what God wants for them. As a mother, I teach them to be children that will one day grow into individuals of integrity who, by their lives, will change the world around them, for the better.
So the next time you are confronted with making a hard decision as a parent, know that you are fully equipped to do so. The decisions that you make for your children will determine who they become and who they will be when you are long gone.
It is a parent’s job to bring up their children…
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