As a woman that loves to plan, I often try to keep things orderly and functioning well. I like my planner, my pen, and my paper. And although I haven’t always been this way, I do my best to plan everything out. That plan is subject to change because I am married with four children, and really, because I am a human being, living in this world. Yet, still there are times where I am thrown completely off because of my desire for predictability and order.
If I can be honest with you, this has to do with my desire to control situations, so that things aren’t thrown off-balance and I’m not flung into a situation that I didn’t expect or feel that I can’t handle. Again, I haven’t always been this way, but in trying to be a woman of wisdom, I have desired to think through situations and plan how I am going to handle them. My plan would be perfect if I set in some high authoritative place, like God, but I’m not Him. I am merely a woman, clothed in flesh and living my life the best way that I can.
I have always had big dreams and this year, I took the plunge in to two of them.
- Writing a book
- Starting a business
Coupled together with life, I have found myself in a place of frustration because, well, we don’t live in a box. Although I set deadlines, things happen. For instance, I hurt my back and could not do all of the things that I wanted to do physically, so I had to rely on my family. They were very helpful and I am blessed to have them. Needless to say, my schedule was thrown off. I attempted to pull and push my way out of my physical limitations and, as it should be assumed, it took a toll on me emotionally.
I planned and structured events and business deals, but all parties just did not have the same schedule as I had. If I were to put it in the simplest way possible, my desire for perfection, was only that, a desire. Perfection was not going to, nor is it ever going to happen.
Let me stop here for a second. I think you and I need to allow this statement to just sink in.
Perfection is never going to happen.
Our desire for perfection and control, literally sends our spirit out into a realm of frenzy because we were never meant to be perfect or in control of everything. We were placed in this world with the Spirit of the Living God to lead us and guide us throughout our lives. He is here to help us maneuver through the situations, ins and outs of life. No matter how much we try to take the steering wheel, its not our place to be in total control.
Think on this.
When life is busy and we want to be…., we have a tendency to try to attempt to take the reins from God. We attempt to control life. We don’t do it purposely, but when we do this, hurry up and go “thing,” we are trying to take our lives out of the hands of God. He’s the one who makes this whole world function and yet, somewhere in our minds, we believe that we can do it better. No matter how sincere or humble we are, we have all done it at one point and time in our lives. Believe it or not, we do it again and again. Then we wonder why we are stressed.
We wonder why things don’t seem to be going right.
Where did the problems come from?
Taking our lives out of the hands of God, not following His will, trying life our own way…that’s where the frustration comes in. And no matter how giant or small of a moment it has been that we have found ourselves in this place, we have to come back.
We have to ask Him to forgive us. We have to push forward in His will, listening to His Spirit, and seeking His face. That’s it!
When we do this, with a sincere heart, laying it all before Him, He takes the reigns and fixes our lives, orders our steps, and makes life beautiful again.
That’s what the KING of the world does. He rules and reigns. He orders and fixes our hearts and our lives.
In short…maybe not so short…
Our desires send us out of whack. The world is only doing what it does normally. It is functioning chaotically and we are striving for it to have some sort of order. Yet, in this process we forget that we are not all-powerful. Perfectionism is not really an accurate picture of any human being on this earth. It is simply and ideal. And we all love ideals.
Control is not really all that we perceive it to be. It is simply that a perception. We aren’t in control.
Yep! I said it…
We aren’t in control.
Whether reactive or proactive, we are not in control. It isn’t until we step into the will of God. Taking our rightful place in His plan, using the power that has been given to us by God, through Christ, in pray and in faithful deed, that we are in control…with Him.
Faithful deed…
Not fearful actions. We have to be living and walking in faith when we proclaim that this and that will be, expecting that it will be.
Now…let’s do this.
Let’s check ourselves with the word of God and see where we stand. Let this be our continual endeavor…to be in right standing with God.
Please take a moment to read Psalm 19 below and the watch the video at the end of this post.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.
In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.
Its rising is from one end of heaven,
And its circuit to the other end;
And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold,
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them Your servant is warned,
And in keeping them there is great reward.
Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse me from secret faults.
Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
Ha! Control such a false illusion indeed. We can plan all we want but if its not for us it just won’t happen. I’ve had to start from zero twice in my life and what I have learned is to just remain kind to myself just as I would with a friend or loved one and continue to have faith there is purpose for everything. And when I began to panic I learned to breathe deep and let go. Best of luck on your goals look forward to shares as you check off accomplishments from your list ๐
This is my life Makeda!!! To the “t”! I can never seem to get a handle on things, but when I stop, rest and rely on God, things just work! Help me to learn how to rest in you Lord! Thanks, you are wonderful!!!!
Incredible song!!!!
I think your pretty wonderful too Crisie. I’m finding that this is normal for a lot of people. We want to live God’s way, but we feel that when we don’t know what’s happening things might go wrong. Yet, trusting God reveals that He’s got it and there’s no need for us to interfere. Thanks for commenting
This absolutely speaks to me! I find myself battling this all the time! I am always striving to do better, be better, work harder which is not a bad thing as long as I remember that it’s not about my works. It’s not about me at all! I can’t win favor or approval or love more than I already have in His eyes. That illusion of control is so sneaky, too! I am constantly seeking that balance between work harder and being still as I rest in the comfort of His grace.
There’s nothing wrong with us trying, but I know that I have to remember, as you said, that it’s not about my works. Its about my heart
Yes! I’ve been reflecting a lot this month on how little control we actually have…
Great post! Why seek control when God can hold our whole lives in His hands and NOT make a mess of it like we would? ๐
Great question. We just need to focus sometimes
Well, as far as I’m concerned, God is in control ๐
You’re right! He is.
Makeda, I can so relate to this post. Recently, been focusing on being on His schedule instead of wanting Him to be on mine. I have to remind and train myself daily to listen to Him. Your post hit the spot for me.
I’m glad that you enjoyed reading it. Many of us are focusing on what He wants for our lives. That’s what I keep hearing
This is such a great truth about control. I too like to control things, so learning to trust God has been important in my walk with Him. Jeremiah 29:11 has been our family verse and it is such a great reminder to know He has the plans for us even when we are going through trials.
I love that scripture. It is a great reminder of God’s idea for our lives.
Agree. Life is never easy. But with God’s grace, all will be good.