If you are like me, living in the 21st century, which I assume by the fact that you are reading this, that you are, there are situations that come up all of the time that warrant your opinion. This may not be a public warrant, but there is an inward conversation that takes place.
Just stop to think for a moment.
When changes are happening in your life, community, and the world, you have an opinion. You may not clearly understand or express this opinion to anyone, but have it. I want to ask you a question. What is your opinion based on? Is it based on facts, the past, your hurts, or the Word of God?
Some people would be inclined to say that their opinions are based on truth, but truth, unless godly is subjective. There is THE truth, but most situations are base on an occurrence that can be understood differently depending on the perspective of the viewer. This is now what I am asking you to consider.
I want you to think about the foundations of your opinions because I want to convince you that it is more prosperous to base your opinions on things that cannot be changed or shaken, like the Word of God…THE TRUTH.
I am currently working on a post to be published to this site because one of my readers asked me a question. This question was an opinion based question, but the truth about me is that I try not to express my opinions unless I know the stand that the Bible takes on it. Thus, I am taking a bit longer to write it, than I expected.
I have to research the topic and pray for guidance. I learned this a long time ago. When I had just gotten married and became a mother, I was full of my own opinions. God was in the process of changing me and having my own opinions, based on my truth, made it hard for the change to transpire within me. I found that I had to submit my will and opinions to the Lord, through the Word of God, in order for the change to happen. That’s why I began to acknowledge my own opinions, but give myself permission to change them based on the word of God.
I found that I needed to have the authority of the unchanging Word to solidify my thoughts and beliefs. No one can change God or the TRUTH of His Word. When we stand on His solid foundation, we are strengthened and become confident in who He is and what He has said. This in turn makes us better and renews our minds.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. ~Romans 12:2
This renewal process that takes place within our minds changes our entire being. Our lives become proving ground for the perfect will of God. We become His living examples of what He finds to be acceptable and good. This is hard to do when we are stuck in our own ways.
Don’t want to let go of your opinion? That is what is going to continue to lead you all the days of your life.
If you are being lead by your own opinion, someone may come to you with their own truth. That person may be more confident, older, or more experienced. They may have a strong presence that commands your attention and demands you to reconsider their perspectives. If this happens, you are or can become completely shaken. Do you know what happens when you and your thoughts are shaken? You become a double minded man.
For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. ~James 1:7, 8
Do you remember that I was telling you about being more prosperous because of the fact that you have chosen to submit your opinions to the Lord? Well this is where the prosperity comes in handy. You can’t receive anything from God when you are double minded.
You are praying and praying. Crying out to the Lord. Yet, you see no fruit from your labor.
Do you wonder why? Well the Bible says that you ask amiss. And a lot of times its because you asked, but you didn’t do what the Lord told you to do. There is a prerequisite. He tells you. Do not be conformed to the world. Renew your mind. Do not expect anything from the Lord, when you have chosen to be double-minded and unstable in your ways.
You have to choose the Lord’s way.
Do you want Him to open doors for you or do you want to go beating down the doors yourself?
I would choose to allow the Lord to do it. I’ve tried it the other way and it doesn’t work. When you beat on doors, you hurt your hands and your feelings get hurt.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. ~Joshua 1:8
Do you see that? You have to meditate on the word of God. You have to keep it in your mouth, both day and night. You have to watch and observe to do all that it says. This is how you will prosper. Not by following every wind of doctrine of every so called celebrity or successful guru that comes your way. Not even from being strong and wise in your own eyes.
Start listening to people that base their foundational thoughts and lives upon the word of God. People who don’t mind saying that they were wrong. People who do as they believe.
As you fill your mind, time, and relationships according to the Word of God, doors will open. You will see that your life will take a new turn. You will be more satisfied and, I know, that you will be changed for the better.
If you are wondering how to get started with this process, I suggest that you simply spend time reading the word of God. From there you can begin to hear and recognize the voice of God. Then you will be ready to study the word. Just remember that becoming the woman that God desires you to be is not a quick journey. It is a lifetime full of experiences that change as you change and are obedient to the Lord.
Until next time, thanks for reading. I hope you were encouraged.
It can be so easy to force my own opinions on God. It just goes to show that all we need do is let go of our own sinful thoughts and fully surrender to God. He wants to hold us and show us what He really wants for us, but we humans always seem to get in the way.
You are so right. Surrender is hard, but once we let go and trust Him, things will get better. We know that our way isn’t the best, but at the root of it all, I think, is a question of trust. Will we trust God?
Thanks for you time and thoughts. It’s great hearing from you, as always.