This morning as I sat thinking.
I thought…
I asked God questions and I thought some more.
I meditated on the word of God that rose up in my heart and…
As clear as day, I could hear the Holy Spirit in my heart.
“I came that you may have life and life more abundantly…”
I wanted to lay my eyes upon those words because I felt that they had rejuvenated my soul.
Suddenly, I felt like I could make it through anything that life would throw my way.
Finally, I found it. The scripture that would give me the strength to smile and be productive today. These were the words that reminded me that the Lord cared for me, everyday of my life.
“The thief cometh not , but for to steal, and kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
I know that the words said “they”, but this scripture became very personal to me. I felt like the Holy Spirit was saying, “Makeda, I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”
With those words, the feelings of being cared for and loved emanated through out my being…
I must admit…there are times when I am really struggling with a thing…
In my heart, I am yearning for God to fix my issue, although, I may not even know what it is…
I long for Him to calm my soul and bring me to a place of rest…
I can feel Him calling me to that place, but often times, in order to embrace it, I must first be clear of what it is that He is actually saying to me.
I heard the Holy Spirit, but for a moment, my emotions got in the way.
It is as if I have to bring my soul to believe what it is that my spirit is perceiving from God.
That is why, I meditated.
The biblical word for meditate is to think and talk to yourself about a thing or to have a conversation with oneself.
This is what I did.
It was what I had to do.
I had t make sure that I got it.
I couldn’t spend my day feeling some sort of way that I could not even explain.
Now here I sit…knowing that God cares for me…today.
He said that He wants me to have life and to have it more abundantly…
With that I am strengthened…
Have you ever felt this way?
Have you ever need affirmation from God of His love and that He cared? What did you do? How did you feel?
Leave me a comment…
Going back and forth with myself, asking God how He could possibly love me and hearing the answers my heart needed to hear. This happens often.
I completely understand and relate to this. Although it’s hard to admit, my heart often needs reaffirming that I am loved.