Being original isn’t hard, but for some reason, we all struggle at it a little bit.
We look around and see certain things working for some people and other things working for others. We wonder, “could any of this work for me.”
Without saying no, I am saying that it is extremely critical that we realize the importance in being unique.
Out of all the people in the world, there are no two that share the same fingerprint. That says a lot.
Although we all have eyes and they range from green, to blue, to brown…no two people have the same iris or retinal pattern.
I would bet that if we were to count the number of hairs on our heads, we would find that we differ there as well.
What does this say about our Maker? What does this say about us.
Well, from where I’m sitting, it says that He likes variety and uniqueness. It says that being special is not found in our commonality, but in our uniqueness.
This makes sense because some people wonder how God could find you, me, and 50,000 others special. The truth is we are all special in different ways. He looks at us and sees who we are and that is what makes us special.
We each make Him laugh a certain way. We get His attention and touch His heart in a certain way…
Do you see where I am going with this?
Our family and friends feel the same way, even if they never say it. They see how unique and special we are and their hearts smile…
I am saying all of this to help you, and me, walk upright with our heads held high because we are, in our uniqueness, great.
So stop trying to be like the other gal and just be you…