Sometimes we forget.
We forget that we are special.
We forget that we are unique.
We forget the times when we didn’t mess up.
We forget how much fun we are.
Sometimes we need to be reminded…
Someone sees you as amazing.
Someone thinks that you are great.
Someone wants you to shine.
…but what does it take for us to realize that we are more that we thought we were?
It takes a hit of encouragement.
I got that today. It was a dose of…you’re special.
Today through God’s word, someone told me that I am amazing and I smiled.
I smiled because for a moment I had forgotten the things that I was good at. I had forgotten not to compare myself to others. I saw their strengths and my weaknesses. I had forgotten that the standard I need to meet is God’s standard.
The word, sparked life into my being and it hit home that I am great and it’s ok because I’m not great in my own strength. I’m great in His.
Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness], but you excel them all.
With this word I realized that this is how God sees me. This is how He sees you. That uniqueness that we bring to the table makes him say this to both you and me. So…don’t change who you are. Be 100% you…ALL OF THE TIME…
And remember… You are amazing!
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