There are times in life where you know exactly what to expect.
You prepare yourself and those in your life for the event or thing that is about to happen. During those times, there is such excitement and confidence in the way that things are going to go.
Do you know the feeling that I am describing? I’m sure that many of you reading this do.
Then there are times when you know that something is going to happen. You can feel it, but you are not aware of the exact event that is about to take place. With great expectation, you await the moment of revealing, when your eyes will be opened to…it.
That’s how I feel right now.
Over the summer, I had a series of experiences that caused me to be emotionally drained. There were moments where I was very happy and others where I was not. I had so much to do and still nothing to do, at the same time.
With all of this chaos, I could feel that it was a type of attack that was coming my way to get me off track.
I really mean that. My character and relationships were challenged in various ways. All I could do was hold on to God.
Have you ever heard of a three-fold cord that is not easily broken? Well, it’s mentioned in the Bible (Ecclesiastes 4:12) and that is what I held on to all summer. I thank God for keeping me and His Holy Spirit for comforting me.
Now that we are in the fall, things are slowing down, but I have this feeling…this expectation of greatness in my heart.
I don’t know what is about to happen or what God is doing, but I can feel a rising up in my heart for something…something good.
God is about to do something in my life and in me…I can feel it.
So, I am looking forward to that new thing.
With all of the difficulties that I have experienced, good news sounds great!
I am patiently waiting…I really am.
Can you feel my excitement? I am expecting the unexpected.
Have you ever experienced something like this? Can you relate to these emotions?
I’d love to hear about it, so leave a comment below.
Thanks for reading…
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