On a normal bases there is so much for a mother to do. There the cooking and the cleaning. The tending and the mending. There are always things that have to be done. It can get a little bit overwhelming at times and that’s the truth. Yet I am also reminded that there is another truth. God will never put more on me than I can bare. Yes times may get hard and we may struggle, stumble and fall. Do you know what we must remember? There is someone readily available with outstretched arms to pick us up at any time.
It is so hard sometimes to remember that we are not alone, but it’s true. We are not alone in anything. There isn’t anywhere that we can go away from the presence of God. Now I don’t say that to sound cliche. Instead I say that a recognized truth in my own life. I have been through some hard times. Afraid to discuss them I hid and felt alone, but He was there. He was always tugging on me to take a minute to come to Him. I was kind of afraid. I had been hurt by so many people that I didn’t want Him to hurt me too. What I needed to realize was that He would never hurt me. In spite of all that I had ever heard from another individual, God isn’t like that.
He cherishes me. I am special to Him. He says that I am the apple of His eye. Do you know what that does to the life of an individual that feels like everything is falling apart? If not, I’ll tell you. It give them hope. It says that someone cares and that is important. There were times when I felt so small and wanted to give up, but He just won’t let me quit. What a loving God! He always finds a way to encourage me.
Today I want to encourage you to stop and realize that you are loved. You are not alone. If you need anything ask the One who can provide it. He is faithful. I can’t even count how many times He has helped me. There have been so many times where He would just tell me that He loves me. I know you may be wondering what I mean. But in my heart I would hear the sound of the Lord telling me that He loves me. The great thing is that He has enough love to share. He loves you too!