When I first became a mother, I had no idea what it was going to be like. I couldn’t imagine the amount of responsibility that I was going to feel for the lives of my children. I went to a class for a few months that taught me a few things that I needed to know about taking care of my newborn baby. I then acquired the “What to expect when you’re expecting book.” However, that book stopped once the baby became one years old. There have been other books and resources come out since then, but the truth is that many of us are still learning what is required of us when we answer the call of being a mother. Yet, as you find out, will you answer the call and fulfill your purpose?
Yes! It is a call.
It’s not just flower peddles and roses. It’s a calling. If you are a mother, you were purposed to birth and raise your children. (If you are not a mother, please keep reading because you may have a mothering spirit.) Now that is the most general way to put it, but it encapsulates so much more. It starts from day one of conception. If I am to be real with you, it actually starts before our children are born, with taking care of ourselves. I could go really deep into this, but let’s just briefly think about it for a moment.
Your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health are all time stamped in your child, when they are conceived. These are the things that will be a part of their reality, when they are born. Once you find out that you are pregnant and begin to make the necessary changes, your child has a greater chance at living a healthy life. Still, there is a lot that falls on our shoulders as mothers. I don’t say this to remove fathers from the picture, but I am talking to you…the mom.
From day one, we are feeding our children. We are training them how to be emotionally fit. As we listen to music and experience life, our children in the womb have those experiences. None of this goes away once the children are born. They are just no longer housed within our bodies. Instead, we see them and have now gained the ability and responsibility of teaching them how to live, apart from our physical bodies. We are still responsible for the feeding and nurturing of our children.
No matter what the world wants to tell you about the relationship between a mother and her child, the truth is that mothering is one of your highest callings.
I could sit here all day discussing some of the things that are required of us as mothers, and I can add to this at another time, but today I have one primary focus. I want to sir you up in your innermost parts. I want to call you to a place where you realize that you are needed inside of your household. You may feel like you are called to do many other things, but they should never take you away from the call of being a woman of God, wife to your husband, and mother to your children. You have a very high calling, sister.
You and I cannot get distracted with the things of this world, that we are not able to recognize the ways in which God has assigned us to build up His kingdom. Your children are apart of His kingdom. Your calling is to man the post of your home. You are supposed to cover your husband and children in prayer. You are supposed to oversee what comes in and goes out of the home. You are supposed to pay attention to what they are eating and taking in one a daily basis. You are supposed to recognize the struggles that they have and go to war for them in prayer. If it’s required, you’re also supposed to go to war for them in the natural.
When you feel like the burden is too heavy, you are supposed to wail for your children. When you recognize that the future is too harsh for them, you are supposed to cry out to God, asking Him to fix it. I know that you are probably saying that prayer doesn’t fix everything, but let me tell you God does and prayer is how we connect to Him.
In His word, God makes it very clear. He tells us that He wants to help us and gives us exactly what we should do.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. ~2 Corinthians 7:14
Children are dying everyday. We hear about the shootings, killings, cancers, diseases, and so much more. Beyond that, they are being exposed to things that enable a slow deaths and are robbed of the blessings that God desires for them to have.
The truth is that when we take the blinders off, our world isn’t so beautiful. I tell you to find the beauty in this life, but don’t turn a blind eye to what is wrong in it. It is too easy to be entertained and forget that our world needs us. You and I can’t just sit by and watch what is happening. I’m not calling you to request gun control. I’m not telling you to leave the country and feed the hungry. No! I’m telling you to stay home and fight on your knees. Start where you are, with what you can do. Give your children a change. Start there, and from there do whatever else God calls you to do.
Pray that you are forgiven of your sins and the sins of your mothers and fathers before you. Seek the face of God and ask Him to make a way for your children.
Look! You and I are not SUPER-WOMEN!!! We are not, but through God we are mighty and powerful. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Do you want to change the world? Fall on your face and pray.
Do you want the massacres to stop? Seek God and cry out for the children.
Turn off the television. I’m not saying that you can never have fun, but while we are busy playing, the enemy is executing his plan for our children. Yes! I said our children.
What are we going to do when they look at us and ask us to explain why their world looks the way that it does? When our grand parents are gone and are no longer able to be held responsible, the burden falls on us. What will you say? How will you help and still be in their lives? How will you answer God when He says that He gave you a work to do, but you never did it and children died.
Even if you don’t have children, you have a calling.
We have to do something! It goes beyond what we can see and into the unseen. It goes into what we eat and drink. It goes into what we hear and speak. It goes into our spiritual and relational lives. It has to do with God.
Woman, wake up from your slumber and do the work of the Lord! Your responsibility is great and you must answer the call!
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