Just because I have a blog doesn’t mean that it’s ok for me to vent about my frustrations when I am upset. It doesn’t mean that I have to pretend that I’m ok, but I need to be wise. I need to act in a manner that would represent me. A way that I would be proud to stand before God and claim.
Why am I saying this?
Well, if you can’t already tell, I’m frustrated…and as much as I would love to explain why, I’m not going to. What I am going to discuss is how I’m going to handle my frustration.
Well, first of all. I’m taking the time to be alone. I’m sitting in the bathroom with the shower water running. Yes, I’ll be getting I. The shower soon, but I needed to do this first. I’m going to take a moment to myself.
Next I’m going to pray…selah…
Yup, I just stopped and prayed.
I’m doing my best not to complain about the situation because I read a a scripture this morning that discouraged arguing and complaining. It was Philippians 2:14, 15
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky
As I meditate on this scripture, I’m going to take a shower. Maybe that will help me cool down a bit. I’m going to take care of myself. That always helps a bit when things are frustrating.
While in the shower, I prayed again. I quieted my soul and mind. I felt like God was saying that I didn’t need to worry because he would take care of the situation.
After getting out, I told myself that I had given the situation to God and was not going to go back and get it. I am now ok. I’m not worried, frustrated, or angry.
The key was trusting God. There are times when this is harder than others, but it’s apart of my foundation.
This is how I do it. I hope it helps someone.
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