I am sitting here in my Utah apartment. It is 1:31 am and my eyes feel like they are about to shut at any moment now.
So, why an I still awake?
Why am I sitting here listening to the sound of my fingertips clonking down on the buttons of the keyboard?
Because, honestly, I simply enjoy writing…in this case typing.
There are times when there is so much going on in my head, that the sound of a fire truck passing by could not tune out my thoughts. I think about things all of the time. I’m not exactly sure that it’s a bad thing to think all of the time. 🙂 Still, the fact is that I do. I am always contemplating or analyzing or deciding…something.
Thus writing is a way to get all of those things that I am meditating on out of my head. It is a way to quiet the noise. I find it extremely relaxing. Even when I am not writing about anything in particular, but simply experiencing a stream of consciousness. I enjoy it. It is as the river of my thought flow that I feel as if I am taking in deep breaths of air…Selah
Those are the moments when I feel God releasing me from the chains that have kept me bound, whatever chains they are…doesn’t matter. I feel His presence as I sit and I write…again…Selah
Yes, I had another moment and I absolutely loved it! To feel the words leaving my being and the presence of God all around me as I effortlessly do one of the things that I was created to do is splendid.
So, at 1:39 am, I have found my rest. I have taken a moment, well 7 of them, and experienced the peace of God in my life trough my writing.
I am glad that I decided to write.

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