I had no intention of being up this late, but I stumbled upon a site titled “I Support Abortion Rights…Because I’m a lesbian” and decided to read an article. I response to it I have decided to post my thoughts.
The real thing to be said is that, Pat’s quote obviously hit a nerve and so this article was written. Question…what nerve was it that he it. We all know the obvious, lesbians can have children as long as a man is involved in some form or fashion. But why, are lesbians the way that they are? It has a lot to do with extreme feminism and a desire to be masculine, which is what I think he was trying to say without saying it. Lesbians have decided that they want to be free from all forms of masculine control and that includes the “opportunity” that women have to be concerned about being pregnant or not. There are so many women out there that struggle to have children, but it seems, from the posts that I read here, that it is looked at as a privilege to not have to be concerned about pregnancy. Women make great friends, but there is a place in the life of a woman to have an intimate relationship with a man as a partner (and I mean spouse).
Why is there a need to have full control over the life of another individual, a baby that one day will be an adult. All of those adults add up to equal different groups of people that have been wiped off of the face of the earth because someone wants to have full control. There is a place in our society for submission and there are things that we don’t know. Like why it is healthy to have authority and submission; in the lives of both genders. Lesbians have lost a sense of balance when they became lesbians and therefore make the statement in almost every area of their lives…I don’t need a man for anything, I have one only for what I want him for. That is very damaging to our society as a whole. Although there are aspects of being liberal that benefit our society and the individuals in it, when it is unchecked ,we end up on a slippery slope not knowing where we are headed. There are times when the thoughts of the feminist movement have almost destroyed my marriage and every relationship that I have. It is only when I realize that it does not always have to be my way and that life is about a compromise…that I am truly liberated and later on see where I was wrong.
Part of who every woman was created to be is a mother and a wife. She is a nurturer and a help-meet in so many different ways. This even applies to women who are single. Yet when you take these feminine titles and duties away from a woman you change who she is an attempt to compare her to a man. We are not men…we are women. I am pro-life. I understand that people want to have a choice. It a choice that many women after they choose, wish that someone would have told them what the repercussions were going to be like. Some women have utterly destroyed themselves and someone else because of their desire to be “in charge.” I could have been aborted, but I thank God that I wasn’t. My mother’s life wasn’t only about her life. She had been given a gift. The gift of being able to carry life within herself and usher it into this world. Within the life that she gave was the lives of three small children, that one day will play a role in the rest of the world. We each make a difference. What difference are lesbians making in trying to be men. If you want to be a man do that on your own, but don’t encourage other women to begin to think and act like that which they are not.
It takes a lot to walk on both sides of the fence, but it takes so much more to choose a side. What might be frightening is when you choose a side you have to stick to it and there is a fear that causes us to run away from our true destiny. We were created in a certain way to be who we are…be who you are, embrace what you are really like, and watch your beauty shine. Not as a lesbian, but as the woman that God created you to be, who was set free.