January 2015: Book of the Month
This month the Christian Moms Read book club will be reading “The Five Love Languages of Children” by Gary Chapman.
Reading this book will help us understand and focus on the way that our children love and how to love them in a way that is beneficial to them.
I don’t know about you, but I am interested in seeing if this book can offer me some understanding that I don’t already possess in regards to my children. I have four of them and they are all different. I’m sure that they all have various love languages as well.
What are your thoughts on this book? Are you looking forward to reading it?
Leave a comment below to tell me what you think…also join in the discussion on the Goodreads group
It’s Not An Easy Job But It’s Mine…
As a mother, I get to have fun with my children. I get to love on them and see them grow. I get hug and kiss them and say good night.
I also get to make the hard decisions that they don’t like.
As I sat with my children last night, I thought of all of the different things that present themselves to my children on a daily basis. My boys go to school and so this means that they see and hear a lot. Think of the children that come to school and talk about the things that they see at home. Then there are the teachers with their thoughts and opinions. While teaching my boys, I’m sure that their opinions are injected at times.
Then there are the things that present themselves through various types of media…tv, radio, movies, books, video games, internet, ect..
As parents we are the filters that stand between our children and the content. We get to inspect and decide if the content is of a quality that we wish for our children to be exposed to.
I don’t want my children to be like ostriches that have to stick their heads in the sand, but I want to present them with wholesome options for entertainment.
We are training them and preparing them for their lives outside of our homes. What we allow to infiltrate the small minds today, will take up residence in their adult minds later on in life.
So, it a must that the content that my children take in, line up with the things that we believe and teach in our homes. As they grow older, we expose them to certain things and explain the various concepts to them. We have to help their minds develop in a healthy way. We don’t allow the world to train our children because the world won’t always tell the truth, especially when there is money involved.
Our children may not understand now, but one day they will. It isn’t an easy job to do, but I am honored that it’s mine and I’m proud to be their filter.
Today it is my prayer that God would help my husband and I to train up our children in the way that they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it. In Jesus’ name. ~Amen
What do you think of this topic? Do you find yourself being a filter for your children or do you allow them to be their own filter? Share your thoughts on this topic…