When you look around at the world that we live in, we see that there are a lot of things that you and I could be busy doing. We want our homes, relationships, and careers to be full and satisfying, but there is something that I want to ask you. Who is building your house?
Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who builds it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
Before you and I ever set foot on this earth, God had a plan for our lives. He determined the year that we would be born and the year that our children would be born. He decided who we would marry and the people we would be in relationship with. He determined what our hands would be busy doing and the work that we would accomplish. Still, He has given us the ability to walk in His will and purpose for Him, or not.
If you are like me, then you want for your home, relationships, and career to be blessed, but how did you answer the question above? Who is building your house?
Inviting God Into Your Life
You can want all of the things that you want, but God is the builder who has the plan of how your life should be established in order for it to work in a magnificent way. Have you invited Him into every area of you life, or are there specific areas that He isn’t allowed to enter into?
For some people the answer is yes, but for others, God is not welcome because control has not been given over to Him. Which category do you fall in?
Is He welcome in your personal life?
Do you allow God to examine your thoughts and emotions? Have you invited Him into the spaces of your mind that occupy you on a daily basis? Do you share, with Him, your concerns and fears and allow Him to tell you how to overcome them? Do you invite him into your choices? Before you take a drink, get a tattoo, purchase a car, or even watch a movie; do you allow Him to be in the process of your decisions?
Yes, He sees all that you do and think, but He is not going to over power you, so that you can be free. He already sent Jesus to die on the cross for your mental and emotional freedom. Have you accepted it? Are you willing to turn away from the things that invite sickness, disease, and depression into your life? Have you told your flesh “no” and the Lord “yes?”
Has the Lord been invited into your marriage?
Did God get an invitation to your wedding? After the wedding, was He allowed to stay and dwell there? Or is your marriage a place where God is not welcome to interfere? One way to tell this is if you find that you only talk to God about what your husband does, but you don’t listen to the Lord tell you what you have done and how to fix it. Your ability to trust God in your marriage is a direct indicator of whether or not you have invited Him into it.
If you want your marriage to work, it has to be built on a solid foundation and the Lord has to be the One that is giving out the orders.
What about motherhood? Have you given God permission to help you be a mother?
Frustration can set in, when a mother doesn’t have patience or is trying in her own strength to mother her children. The reason why is that a mother is not the creator of her children. Although she birthed them, she did not design them, so there are aspects of her children that she must learn to navigate and direct. However, while you are learning to help and assist your children in life, have you sought God about what is best for them?
Have you told God that you want to be the type of mother that He designed you to be or are you just being the type of mother that you want to be? You have to make a decision and it’s an important one. You have to decide to be an instrument and vessel of God in the lives of your children. They were given to you as a blessing, but you have to be willing to be a good stewart over what God has given you.
Is it too much for you to ask God to give you patience and direction, so that you can be a mother that builds her children up and gives them wisdom?
Don’t forget about your career.
In the world, you and I are told that we can be whatever we want to be. What we don’t normally hear is that we can and should be in the place and position that God has called us to. We aren’t built up to be the type of women that God has designed us to be.
Because of this lack of encouragement, it’s not hard to take the wheel of the career field and steer it in the direction of our liking. Have you surrendered your dream to God, so that He could tell you which ones He cosigned on? Have you stopped long enough to hear Him direct you? Do you have too much noise playing in the background, so that you cannot hear Him? You have to be intentional about not avoiding what is important.
Let the Lord build your house
God’s will and purpose for you is important. You and I should want Him to be involved in our lives, in every way possible. This cannot happen without an invitation.
If you believe in Jesus, then you have already believed him for your salvation, but did you make him your Lord? Are you giving him first place and rulership over every area of who you are and what you do?
You don’t want to be the person that is doing things without asking God to be with you. You don’t want to find yourself in a place where you are struggling because you got into something that God did not call you to get into. Now all things work together for our good, but you still have to go through, if you are disobedient.
Allow the Lord to establish the framework for the buildings in your life, so that as you build, your labor will not be in vain.
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