Have you ever had a time in your life where you keep on waiting on someone to do something. You didn’t want to overstep any boundaries or make anyone feel bad, so you just kept on waiting? Then when you were finally tired of waiting and decided to do the thing yourself, they did it.
That is what happened to me this morning. I had been waiting for the gardeners to come and take care of the yard. I had been doing it myself, but we went on vacation for 3 weeks and I thought they would take care of the yard. Once we returned from our trip, I found weeds galore. My bushes were unkept and my yard looked horrible.
This disappointed me because the gardeners are paid to keep up the yard. I planted beautiful flowers before in the yard, but I guess I had expected them to do their job especially since I was gone.
I had been waiting and waiting, mostly because I didn’t have the time to do it and also because I didn’t want to do their job for them. Then yesterday, I decided that today, I would go to the store and get the flowers that I really wanted. I would take the time today to plant the flowers and do my yard.
To my surprise, this morning, at 8am, the gardeners were outside doing everyone’s yard.
Can you say frustrated? That’s how I felt…
I decided that I would let them do their job and just continue on with whatever they left me with. That thought was a good one, until I heard the chopping.
I went to my window and saw them ripping out my beautiful pink flowers. I could feel them ripping them away in my heart…that’s when I couldn’t take it anymore. I opened the door and asked if they were really about to rip out all of my beautiful flowers. The gentleman told me no. He said that they were just trying to get ready for the fall. I didn’t like the idea of them gutting my yard, but I decided to let them do it anyway.
There are a few reasons why I want to share this with you. I learned a few things and I’m hoping that you will find the lessons helpful.
Reason #1: Perspective
The first reason is that sometimes people are waiting on us to do things. They wait and wait, patiently, frustrated, and trying not to overstep our boundaries. Then when we are finally ready to do the job, they have planned to do it. We show up ready to work, it is almost too late.
If this is a situation that you find yourself in, look at the situation from this perspective. Try to communicate. The other person cannot read your mind.
Reason #2: Make a Decision
I am sure that the gardeners were busy with their other jobs. They probably had already set the date on their calendars to go out to the homes and prepare each garden for the fall. It just so happened that I took too long to do what I was going to do. I didn’t know what they had planned and they didn’t know that I was also waiting and planning.
We have to either let someone do the job that they are supposed to do or hurry up and do it ourselves. Both situations are not going to work together…at the same time. Only one person can do the job… Only one plan can work.
If you find yourself in this situation, decide what you are going to do and stick with it.
Reason #3: Trust God
This reason is the one that stood out to me the most. There are times when God is doing something that I do not understand. I’m not sure what is happening because He has not revealed all of His plans to me. Yet, I know that His plans are to prosper me. (Jeremiah 29:11)
All I see is weeds growing, things not being done, and my impatience driving me up the wall. Yet, I do not realize that God has it on His calendar to do something in my life, His way. I could try to hurry up and do it, but I might mess it all up.
Waiting on Him is not easy, but this is His job, to work in my life; to take care of me, as my Heavenly Father. He does what only He can do. If I wait on Him, He will take care of everything and have my garden looking beautiful and ready for the Fall…yet it won’t be a pretty sight while He is ripping up all of my weeds and trimming all of my bushes. He might have to gut a few of my beautiful pink flowers because they are not needed or can’t survive the next season. I just have to trust Him and move out of the way so that He can do what He is going to do.
If you find yourself in this situation or can identify with my sentiment, simply, trust God.
Think about it..
When I first started this post, I asked you if you had a time when you were waiting on someone to do something, but you really were planning on doing it yourself. Hopefully you have now thought about each perspectives and not just your own.
Can you see the godly perspective?
That is the perspective that is most important. Waiting on God is wisdom. Moving out of the way so that He can do what He desires it’s the best thing to do. His plans for us are the best plans that anyone could ever have for us, including our own plans.
As I waited inside of my house, with the blinds closed, I wanted so badly to have my hand in my garden. Yet, I restrained myself, because I thought it was best. If you find yourself in a similar situation, be encouraged because you are not alone.
I hope you found encouragement in this post. Share your thoughts with me in the comment section.
Thanks for reading…
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