If you are anything like me, when Friday comes around, you are thinking back on all of the things that you accomplished during the week.
You may even be thinking of the things that you didn’t get done.
That’s me…
I’m normally looking at my to-do list.
I start listing the millions of things that I could do today because it’s the end of the week and I had a goal in mind.
Then, I am hit with something…it happens each and every time.
Suddenly, I am hit with this reality and I’m stuck.
“What?! I had so much to get done. I can do some of it…”
The truth is that I can’t and neither can you…
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9
No matter how much we plan on doing, there are just some things that God never intended for us to do.
I don’t know about you, but I find that refreshing.
I can make as many plans as I want, but God has orchestrated my life. He has already set aside those things that I will accomplish. Not only has He set those things aside, but He is there with me in that moment to help me accomplish them. All of the things that I’ve been planning are preparation for, in my mind… It is my participation in the process, but my extreme standard or all work and no play, is not THE standard.
So the to-do list can continue to grow, but I am happy that God has set aside the things that He wants me to accomplish and I’m sure that I will get those things done in the near future…
Until then I will just breathe…
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