It’s been a while since I last wrote a post for my blog.
There has been a whole lot going on. To say the least, I’ve been extremely busy in every area of my life.
If I could put it into words, I think I would say that it feels like my life has been getting excavated.
I don’t really want to go into all that has happened within me right now, but I will say that it’s a lot.
It feels like God has looked at me and said, its time for somethings to change. Now hearing this, you may or may not be thinking that something was wrong with me. I will say yes and now. On my Facebook profile for quite some time, I had a picture that said, “Under Construction.” There was a reason for that. I don’t believe that I am a finished work, but I can tell that the Lord has been working on me.
I can’t wait to jump back into blogging and sharing my heart…
Do you ever feel like your life has been excavated? Do you ever wonder what God will reveal to you that will blow your mind about you, your life, family, and life in general? If so, leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
I so agree with this post. I certainly feel that has been happening in my own life over the past year and a half after two deaths in my family. There are times in our lives when I feel we need to have things excavated in order to start over and rebuild. The reality is if we go through changes/struggles we aren’t the same and often the things in our life that once fit do not fit anymore.
I agree with you. We have also had two deaths in the past month, so I definitely know what you mean. Although it isn’t always comfortable, I appreciate God taking the time to sift through my life…at least I’m not alone or having to do it on my own. I pray that you would be strengthened.
Yes!! I love that description….being excavated. There has been a LOT going on in my life as well….quite a bit of it being spiritual. I feel like God is just revealing lies I had been believing and teaching me more of His truth. It’s like my mind has exploded. Plus (really good) conversations with my husband wherein he very kindly pointed out some areas I need to work on. Plus day to day life with our baby and my husband about to graduate pilot training. It’s just been a lot. It has been crazy but I love all that God has taught me and all that He will continue to teach me!
Times like these can be hard, but it is during these times that God shows us how much He cares. Wouldn’t you agree? 🙂 I pray that God continue to strengthen you at this time…