I am sitting here thinking about my day. Being 21 weeks pregnant equals a semi big belly, three kids running around, a husband that needs me, and a big bag of emotions. Now, as I’m thinking about all of this, I felt the urge to write a blog post, but I began to ask myself a question
How am I supposed to write about something, while I’m going through it?
See, the truth is, I have read many blog posts where people are portraying the best parts of their lives, but any true writer begins to write and quickly desires to share it with someone. For me, that’s my blog. I have a journal that I write in frequently, but there are times when is much rather blog about it. I don’t know why, but it feels, like my work has been published and someone who knows how I feel will read it, instead of someone who knows me reading it or no one at all. Now there are some things that I don’t want to publish at all, but what about the things I just want to say?! How am I supposed to write about things that I am going through?
I ask this because I don’t want to put my family out there, embarrass my family or friends, nor do I want to expose things that should not be discussed. I look at the situation and I don’t see any black or white. I want to give God glory in everything, but when I see grey, I am at a stand still.
I just read a blog where the writer talked about things that were, obviously, very hard to discuss, but she is helping a lot of people. I want to have that impact as well. I’m not sure that I can do that when I am seeing grey. Yet I know that there will be times when I’ll have to write about those hard things.
For the time being, I am going to pray, write, and pray some more. Prayer always helps me to see things clearly. I believe it will help me write in a clear way as well. In essence, I’m saying that I want to see things through the eyes of God when I can’t see things clearly and even when I can…
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