This morning, want to share something with you. I shared it on my Instagram, but I wanted to make sure that I share it with my blog readers as well. I hope that you find encouragement in this.
We have all struggled before with being unwanted, unloved, forgotten, uninvited, rejected, and lonely. The pain of these moments and feelings cause us to bury specific thoughts about ourselves deep within.
Ultimately, we hold on to and carry around the message, from these feelings, of I am unworthy and unlovable. No one could ever say that they have not wrestled with these things. For they come at us at times when we least expect it, by those that we did not expect it from.
However, if we would take a moment to surrender and trust God, we would hear Him say, as our hearts struggle with all of this pain… “I will never let you go.” And if we can believe as our hearts long to, that He means every word of it, we could begin to walk free. Free from our pain. Free from our pasts. Free from the rejection and fear. We could live as who we truly are, not trying to be perfect, so that we may be accepted. Instead just being ourselves.
[bctt tweet=”we would hear Him say, as our hearts struggle with all of this pain… I will never let you go.” username=”beingmrsmom”]
Today, I challenge you, as, I have, to look up. Stop what you are doing. Find a window, step outside…do something that would allow you to take a look up at the sky, that you cannot touch. The one that proclaims, with its very existence, the reality of God’s presence, and hear the Lord say
“I will never let you go. I knew you before you were born. I’ve known you every moment of your life. I still know you now. I love you. I will always love you. I will hold you with my arms and never let you go.”
Then take a breath and realize that you mean more to Him than you could ever imagine.
Have a great day. #youareloved #loveofGod
Nice share we all deal with this at some point for sure. I didn’t see a share button? I wanted to tweet it 🙂
Thank you. I added a tweet that you can share in the post. I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
The thought that our Creator who is so perfect and holy has a plan for my life is still so amazing to me. “For I know the thoughts I think towards you,” HE THINKS ABOUT US. I don’t know how anyone could feel unloved or alone when there is an Almighty Father who is just waiting to show us how loved we truly are. 🙂
It is amazing that He thinks of us. However as humans, we can get stuck in the words and moments that we have experienced within this life. They can cause us to feel unloved. Sometimes, even the thoughts of past events can cause us to forget. I believe that this is why He calls us to remember. He wants us to remember that He has already done things to show us how He loves us. We just need to stop long enough to see and recognize how much He loves us.
As always, thanks for stopping by to read and share your thoughts. 🙂