Over the past few years, I have had some lofty reading goals. They were hard for me to achieve. I think I lacked focus and drive. As lofty as they were, they weren’t anything like the goals that I have set for myself this year.
I have decided to read a minimum of 50 books. Although I haven’t sat down to write out my list just yet, I am working on it. My goal is to read at least one book per week. That would equal around 50-52 books per year. After reading “Read for Your Life” by Pat Williams, I really believe that I can do this. I’ll be adding books to my reading list here.
I have had a Goodreads account for quite some time and although I like what they have to offer, I have decided that I want to be able to utilize my personal site in tracking my progress this year, in combination with Goodreads, of course.
So, if you see a lot of different posts or types of information, it’s just to keep me motivated and help me track my progress.
For instance, in the right sidebar, you will find my reading challenge status. It looks like this…
I have also decided to read through the Bible this year. My progress can be found in the right sidebar as well. I am tracking it in pages.
I have a book club on Goodreads and the books that we have read can be found in the right sidebar as well.
On the left side bar, you will find the group read for the month. (This month’s group read is The Five Love Languages of Children)
Below that is a list of books that I have recently reviewed.
Below that I also have the books that I am currently reading, books on hold, and books that I have recently finished reading.
I couldn’t get it all in the snapshot, but this list also includes the books that I haven’t read yet. There are a lot more than are listed here currently. I will be taking the time to list them. Hopefully this will be a quick list. I have a lot of books to read and I will have a library page to post those to.
Now all of this is pretty simple, but one of the main things that I am going to start doing, in conjunction with my book reviews, is a post on each book that I begin reading. It will have a progress bar that I’ll be updating and a brief synopsis on the book as well, from a reputable site. This is all to help me, but if the process gets too tedious, I will change it.
The book reviews will be separate and the currently reading post will look something like this…
[wppb progress=12/132 pages option=candystripe color=gray location=inside]
Happy Reading!!!
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