Over the past month, I’ve been doing some thinking.
That has brought me to this point.
I am so excited about what I am about to start doing.
Are you on the edge of your seat? 🙂
Well, here it goes…
I am going to join the community of BookTubers…
What does that mean?
Well, it means that I am about to dive deep into a community of people that love talking about books on YouTube.
I am looking forward to this. I really enjoy blogging and reading, among many other things. I’ve been trying to find something to “youtube” about, but I didn’t want it to be about my hair. You know, I’m an African American woman with natural hair and although I like watching the “natural hair” videos, I decided not to start my own…but I digress. 🙂
Can you feel my excitement?! I’m sure you can.
I’m about to fall out of my seat. 🙂
On another note, about books…
I am also working on a project that has me excited times 2.
I’ll be cataloging my books.
Now for those of you who aren’t that much into books, you are probably thinking…”what? why?”
Well, when we moved, I was able to put my hands on all of my books. I was able to see what I have, what I haven’t read, and what I want more of. This led me to a decision that I want to have a system of knowing more about those topics. I am really looking forward to this project.
I buy books…digital books…hardback books…paperback books…kids books…cookbooks…crafty books…books, books, books….
So stay connected to my Facebook and Twitter page…and my blog, if you want to see more of what will be happening with me and BOOKS.
I hope you have a blessed day.
Happy for you!
Thank you! 🙂