Over the years I have learned that it is in the moments when I least expect to have an impact on another person’s life that I actually do.
These are the moments when I’m not trying, struggling, or pushing for an impact.
I am just natural and being myself. Whether that is caring a lot, too much, or not caring at all…it doesn’t matter. Being myself in those moments seems to change everything.
It is because of this realization that I want to encourage you to be you.
God placed some really great things inside of you. He gave you the ingredients to impact someone’s life for His purpose.
By trying and striving, sometimes, we mess it all up. We have to just let go of being perfect and simply be out best by trusting God and living as the wonderful creations that He made us to be.
I know it may be hard to just trust yourself, but trust the Holy Spirit in you and know that if you allow God to do great things in you, you’ll impact the world around you.
So today, I encourage you to smile and be great! You never know, someone around you may need to see your smile.
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