Today is one of those days where, I’m not sure what I missed, but something must have happened. The reason why I say that is because it is rare that more than one person in my family has an attitude that is other that pleasant at that same time. This morning is one of those rare occasions. My husband and my older son are both a bit upset. It is so much so that my older daughter asked why everyone looked so miserable. She is only four and she recognized that there was something wrong. I asked what the problem was, but I just received a series of blank stares. as a result my daughter wanted to read this book this morning. “Even Kermit Gets Grumpy.” This is very true. We all have our moments. Like Kermit, even those of us who are always smiling have our moments.
It is my prayer today that my husband and my boys have great days. I also pray for all of those people out there that find themselves being a little grumpy for no reason. Lord be their joy.
For this very reason, I will make every effort to be positive and to smile… and now for the rest of my day.
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