About a year ago, when I first began my blog, I found some other blogs that I though I may find interesting. I never fully began reading the post on each blog, but I did have a few of the sent to my email. I would normally skim the contents of the posts that were in the RSS and determine whether or not I wanted to read them and then filter them out that way. I thought that I had picked blogs that I felt stood in the same place that I did as far a relationship with God, motherhood, marital standing, and other important issues. However, today to my surprise, I realized that I didn’t do that with one of the sites that I am subscribed to and that I commented on today.
It was a pretty weird situation for me once I realized the mistake that I had made and I wondered how I had overlooked it before. I first noticed it when I went to add this person of twitter. I realized that there was something very strange about the name that she had chosen. I figured that perhaps I was just reading too much into the subject, but then after hours of looking at other blogs, I visited the site again. What I found saddened me because I look forward to making new connections. I was sad because like me, she likes crafting, she is a natural haired African-American woman. She blogged frequently. It wasn’t until I saw all of the “pride” photos, that I realized that the thing that separated us was our thoughts and beliefs on the will of God for our lives as women in relationships towards men. This could be thought of as a superficial issue, but it isn’t. This means that we think very different about a lot of things. We would not be able to walk together as women, nor to agree on many things because we are standing in two very different places.
Instead of exposing her, I am choosing to pray…I pray that God would bring her to a place of knowing Him and his love for her. I pray that she would one day realize how she has been deceived and be willing to turn her heart back to the Father who loves her dearly. I pray that she would make choices in her life that would result in life changing events that would propel her towards the heart of God. I pray that she would know that I don’t hate her, but instead I love her as a child of God and this is the reason why I cannot support her blog. Most of all, I pray that she would turn from her ways and come to know Jesus in such a way that she would begin to help others like herself come to know Him as well.
Although I don’t agree with her, I choose to believe that God will rapture her back to Himself.
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