Making a schedule isn’t the easiest thing to do when you are a mother, wife, and a student. There are just to many variables. So, I sit down, plan it out, and start moving forward. I may or may not do exactly what the schedule says, because of the potty dance interruptions and the requests for scissors and glue, but I do my best.
Today was my second day back at school and my professors have given me a lot to do. I think they want to make sure that my every waking moment is filled with Literature and Language. I was up all night reading the syllabi and scheduling my tasks. Well, I tried to anyway. I was doing fine until about 2am when I could no longer function. I found myself looking at the planner and paper wondering what to do next. Finally, I went to bed.
This morning I knew I had school work so I did some house work before and my hair before I got started with my reading assignments.

Eventually,I sat down and began reading and although the story was very interesting, I was tired…so, I took a nap. I did get a lot of work done, but I have other things that I need to do in order to make sure that my family is on task. Thats the thing about being a mother. Staying on task isn’t just about me. Its about my whole family. I’ll make it work. I think I am going to try and apply a technique that I have been learning about. I am going to put my big rocks in first. That means that I am going to attack all of my important tasks first thing in the morning so that I have the energy do them instead of waiting until later on in the day when I’m tired. This should be very helpful.
Well, I’m off to the grocery store.
I think the times when I am weakest are when I allow lmesyf to dwell on my shortcomings as a mother and how it has held my children back. Reflecting is useful if it’s for the purpose of battling it out on my knees in prayer, begging the Lord to be able to use even ME. But just lingering on it and berating lmesyf is a crafty tool the devil wields to keep me paralyzed.And it’s odd, but I hear that same invisible clock ticking in my house. It seems to get louder with each inch of growth I see in my boys! Reply
I completely understand what you are saying. I pray and ask God for help. I also try my best not to complain. I hope it doesn’t seem like I do. The truth is that at times we are weak, but it is in our weakness that we find the strength of God. It is just important that we take one day and one step at a time.
whats your twitter?
My twitter is @beingmom3