It has been a while since you last heard from me. My life has been busier that I had planned. It isn’t the type of busy that cause me to want to go hide. No, it the productive type of busy. While, there are times where I am wondering if I bit off more that I could chew, I know deep down that I didn’t.
So what am I doing? Well, from my previous posts you may have seen that my family and I moved clear across the country. I had to unpack and get our family all settled in. Now I am in school. Yes, I decided to finish my degree. It is pretty exciting. I am a mom of three, a wife of one, and now a student….again. It is very invigorating. I am really enjoying my classes. Although, I have tons of work, it is still very enjoyable. I am currently taking a freelancing class which causes me to look closely at all that I do. I really enjoy writing and I always have and this class is helping me to see the potential that I have.
There are all sorts of opportunities out there. They pay pretty well also. I will have to put in some work, but I’m putting it in now. Right?!
One of the recent, but familiar issues that I am facing is my inability to completely express my thoughts and feelings. I am still dealing with fear of what my readers will think. More than I am concerned about what my readers will think, I am concerned about what my family would think. I’m not thinking anything crazy. I just am dealing with some emotions and I would like to be able to express them, but I’m not sure I should. This is a problem because I’m a writer. As a writer, I want to express myself. If I hold back, my writing is lacking something…me. That may seem weird, but its true. I normally submerge myself in my writing, but it’s hard to do so when I have things that I want to write about, but I don’t. One of my major problems is that I want to write a book someday. As you’ve probably guessed it, that’s not the problem. The problem is that I am going to be able to write freely.
Like everything else, I think eventually I will be ok. I am working at it in my classes and doing all that I need to do as a wife and mother. I also started a workout plan. I will definitely be able to write the way I desire. I just have to work through some things.
I think I will give it a try…1, 2, 3 Go!
This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like commiunsm.
Beauftiul transformation–and I love how you cut the table in half and used both halves as bedside tables.