If you have been visiting my blog for sometime, you would know that I am a planner gal. I love being organized and utilizing my planner.
Over the past few years, I have used a Franklin Covey planner, but I have often times thought about changing for one reason and one reason alone…it wasn’t always pretty.
I would look online at the other types of planners and while my Franklin Covey was very practical, it lacked style.
I will say that I was getting kinda antsy this year, but I purchased a binder that I found appealing and used it all year long…well, almost all year.
At the beginning of October, Franklin Covey announced their new line of planners. It is called Planner Love.
I was so happy, that I ordered myself one. I had to wait two weeks, but it finally arrived today.
Although I will be doing a full review of it later on, her are my unboxing and my initial thoughts on the planner itself.
Here is my other video with my thoughts on it…
I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you thought…