Sometimes, while going through life, it is easy to feel burned out and overwhelmed. This is even more common when we haven’t spent the time necessary for rejuvenation, alone with God in His word or in prayer.
So many people say things like, “I don’t have time to read the Bible,” or “I don’t know how to pray.” However like anything else in life, we must invest in what we want.
Do you ever say these things?
If not, what do you say?
Do you take the time that you need to spend with God?
Do you want a better relationship with Him?
Do you want to hear His voice, for yourself?
Do you want to know His will and plans for you?
Do you want freedom from stress and peace of mind?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the answer you desire is found in God and His word.
I encourage you to take some time to read the Bible.
Yes, it’s a big book, but you don’t have to read it all in one sitting. You could read it one chapter at a time. You could start at Genesis and just read.
I’m currently in a group and we are studying the Bible one chapter at a time. However, if you’ve never read the Bible, from cover to cover, I suggest that you start with reading the books of the Bible, first. If you feel like you could handle both, you could read and study it at the same time, but if the idea of this feels overwhelming, just pick one thing.
My suggestion is that you start out by reading the word, one chapter at a time and that you journal about your observations and thoughts. Write out how you could apply your readings to your life and situations. At the end of each journal, write out a prayer to the Lord, that was inspired by your readings.
Yes, if you journal a prayer, you are still praying. That’s actually how I got started praying. I’d sit and journal out my prayers. I was afraid that someone would hear me and I only wanted God to hear me, so I would journal. After building a relationship with Him and reading more of His word, I became more confident in my prayers. I started saying them out-loud, but I still journal prayers. The prayers that I would journal always started with “Dear God,” and ended with “In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
I encourage you to take the time to invest in your relationship with our Heavenly Father. You’ll feel more refreshed and encouraged than you ever have. He will rejuvenate you, while you are in His presence.
If you are dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, and frustration, this is the place to start. Enter into the presence of God and allow Him to fulfill your needs. You have a God sized hole inside of you that longs to be filled. You might be filling up on the wrong things, and that’s why you feel the way that you do. If you take the time to fill up on Him on a daily, and even throughout the day basis, you will find that your life will change. Your anxiety will go away. You won’t feel depressed. You will be less frustrated.
Think about it, but don’t just think about it. Do it. Invest the time necessary to build yourself up in the Lord, establish and continue a relationship with Him, and be strengthened through prayer.
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