Have you ever looked up to someone that inspired you?
If you are like the rest of us, then the answer is yes. You have been working hard, your whole entire life, aiming to emulate someone and at different seasons, for different reasons, and this person changes to a different character, frequently. What I mean by this is that depending on what you’re working on, or what the subject matter is, your inspiration can change.
I want to tell you something though. The person that you are looking to has someone that they look up to as well. They do the same thing that you are doing, search for inspiration. They struggle just like you struggle. They work hard, trying to figure out their next step too.
What you may not even realize is that in some situations, the very person that you are looking to for inspiration, is looking back at you. We live in a big world that has been brought down to size by social media, travel, and technology. You could be following someone on social media and they could be reading what your posting as well. There’s a good reason for this.
The truth is that no one has made it yet.
We all may feel like we have achieved something that we were aiming for, but we are not finished with the work that we are supposed to be doing on this earth. If we were, we would no longer need to be here. We each have a purpose to fulfill and we glean from one another the ways by which we can do this, but there is something that we do as humans, especially as women, that needs to stop.
We tend to think that we are at the bottom of the todempole and that we can’t help anyone. Well, I want to tell you something. That’s a lie.
The truth is that we each have been given a specific sphere of influence. You may not realize this, but you’ve been influencing people the whole time that you’ve been on this planet, even if you didn’t mean to do it.
I am honored to say that I’ve had people that I know and look up to come to me for advice. I’ve had business inspirations come to me for inspiration. What I have learned from this is that we are all doing our best. Even the person that has a million dollars is still looking for someone to inspire them as a parent. The person with the degree is looking for an inspiration in being creative. The woman with the business is trying to stay innovative and productive. She’s looking for someone to encourage her to stop procrastinating.
Why are you telling me this?
We’ll I’m glad that you asked. The answer is simple, but very important for you to know. I’m telling you this because I want you to stop living below your calling. I want you to stop hiding in the dark, running away, and holding back. I want you to realize that it is important for you to be yourself because there is no one else like you on this earth. Sure, we all have some similarities, but none of us are just a like; That’s because of our God given purposes.
More that I want you to know these things, God wants you to know them.
You have to stop trying to be someone else. The world needs you to be you.
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