There is a time and season for everything under heaven. ~Ecclesiastes 3:1
I have personally learned this on my journey of this thing called life. I have had to give myself the time that is needed to be in each season that has been set before me.
There have been times when I have had to wait for things and times when I have been able to move forward.
I have experienced seasons of great success and seasons of epic failures.
I have had my challenges and my wins.
What I am most thankful for in it all is that I have never been alone. The Lord has always been right there beside me, guiding me along the way.
When I thought that my failures would utterly destroy me, the Lord showed me how to turn them into great leaning experiences. When I thought that the waiting would kill me, the Lord showed me how to turn the waiting into patience.
All things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. ~Romans 8:28
I have learned this personally. For there is nothing that has been set in my path, which the Lord has not taken, at some point and time in my life, to make it work for my good. I count that as a great blessing.
So now, I am in a season where I know that a change is coming, but I am waiting for it to happen. It reminds me of what it was like when I was having my babies. I would be at my 36th to 38th week, of pregnancy, and know that my baby could come at any moment. My body would remind me of the impudent arrival of a little one, but no one could tell me when he or she would get here. I just had to prepare and wait.
In God’s timing, all of my children arrived healthy and on time. It wasn’t the time that I had set, but they were on time because their birthday’s had been ordained by the Lord before they were even a thought in my mind. I just had to trust God and be pregnant.
That’s how this is. There are things in my life that I am waiting on. There are things that I am planning. There are things that I am ready to walk out, but I realize that I am still in the preparation stages. My season of change has not come, so I am in a season of waiting, planning, preparing. Yet, I hope and am expectantly awaiting the arrival of the promise that God has given to me.
Do you know what this is like?
Have you ever waited for something, whether it be tangible or not, to happen in your life. Have you waited to birth that baby, but needed the birthing process to start; Yet you knew that you had no control?
As I write this, I am even reminded of the birthing pains that come before a baby arrives. There are all types of contractions, emotions, instincts that come. These things proceed the arrival of a beautiful gift from heaven that no one has yet seen. This is how all of our gifts from God are.
When seasons change and we are blessed by God, who really imagine what it would really be like to receive the blessing? Once we behold it, we are blown away by all that God has truly given us.
My prayer for you today, as it is for myself, is that you would be able to trust God until your season changes; that you would trust Him in the preparation and planning stages. Have confidence in the Lord. For He always finishes what He starts. He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. He leaves nothing undone, and that includes our lives. So, surrender all that you are and all that you have to Him, for in His timing, seasons change.
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