Originally posted on BibleVerses.com
Have you ever been in the midst of a situation and wasn’t sure of the direction that your should move in?
Perhaps you are currently in a season of your life where you are waiting on God to make your direction clear.
If this is you, I know from experience that this could be a bit frustrating. You are probably wondering “How am I supposed to wait?”
I’ll tell you how. Patiently.
Ok…wait. Hear me out. I know that you may not want to wait and you might be very frustrated. However, I also know that while you are waiting on God, patience is building in you, He is clearing the path before you, and He will guide your steps as you move forward.
How do I know these things? Well, the Bible makes it very clear that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.(Psalm 37:23) It also says that those that wait upon the Lord shall have renewed strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles. They shall walk and not be weary. They shall run and not faint.(Isaiah 40:31) Plus, if you just think about it, waiting produces patience and the patience produces character.(Romans 5:4) The Lord goes before you,(Deuteronomy 31:8) when you trust Him. He sets your feet firmly upon a rock, so that you won’t slip.(Psalm 40:2) He also guides your steps, when you acknowledge Him in all of your ways. (Proverbs 3:6)
Wait a moment. Let’s stop right here. When you find a scripture that has a promise and a contingency, it is important to understand what the contingency requires of you. The reason for this is that if you do not do your part, the promise will not be fulfilled.
[bctt tweet=”Found a scripture that has a promise & contingency, understand what the contingency requires of you.”” username=”@beingmrsmom”]
For this particular promise, the Word of God tells us that God will direct our steps, if we acknowledge Him in all our ways. It actually says it this way.
In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. ~Proverbs 3:6
You have to know that Lord keeps His word. He isn’t a man that He should lie.(Numbers 23:19) You don’t have to think that focusing upon the Lord and doing things according to His word are tedious actions that will get you nowhere. Instead, you must realize that everyone who stands upon the Word of God in life and focuses on the things of God, seeking first His kingdom and righteousness, will have all of the things that they need and want added to them. (Matthew 6:33, Psalm 34:10)
So where am I going with this? I’ll tell you where I’m going.
Remember how you were waiting on God to do something? You were wondering about the path that your feet would take in life. Will you meet those goals? Will you accomplish those dreams? Will you reach your full potential? Will you make the wrong move or the right turn. Remember this, it is the Lord that is working in you, both to will and to do for His good pleasure.(Philippians 2:13) As long as you give yourself over to Him and focus on Him, acknowledging Him in all of your ways, He will direct your steps.
Ok now wait…
Someone one out there is wondering why this is a good thing. They have heard really horrific stories about God leading His people into tragedies and some really troubling situations. They have been afraid of the big man sitting in a chair in the heavens, ready to punish someone with his lightening rod.
Let me tell you this, that’s not an image of God. That is an image is Zeus, a Greek polytheistic view of an idol/Titan; again not God.
God longs to be gracious to us. (Isaiah 30:18) He has a plan and a future for you (Jeremiah 29:10) He is good to those who hope in Him. (Lamentations 3:25) He delivers those that seek Him.
I challenge you today to stop and read Psalms 103. Look at the qualities of our God ask yourself if you had the correct image of Him in your mind. I am telling you to do this because sometimes we don’t. This incorrect image can stop us from trusting Him, waiting upon Him, and knowing that He cares.(1 Peter 5:7)
Remember, there is something for us to do in order not to take the wrong path. We must trust in the Lord, patiently wait on Him, and acknowledge Him in all of our ways. As we do this, we will begin to seek Him and our paths will be made straight.
I don’t know about you, but that should make you confident in how you live your life.
I hope you found encouragement in this today and will trust in the Lord as you patiently wait on Him.
If you have to choose one Bible verse to focus on after reading this post, let it be Proverbs 3:6 “In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
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