Have you heard?! I am doing something new, here at Being Mrs. Mom, and I am very excited about it!
The Newsletter
Over the past few years, I have wanted to have a way to promote other bloggers. I have often thought about a weekly post that gave them the spotlight, but it just did not seem like the best option. After doing some thinking and brain storming, I have decided to establish a newsletter that will be used for multiple purposes.
- Featuring other bloggers that I believe need the spotlight. For now, this will include a post from the blogger that I believe my readers will enjoy or greatly benefit from. Each newsletter will be on a specific topic and the topic will change regularly. (To submit a post for the feature consideration, please visit the Newsletter Blog Post Submission page.) In the future, I would like include exclusive content from various bloggers. If you would like to be a blogger that provides exclusive content to my readers in the future, please send an email to info@beingmrsmom.com or simply contact me here
- To notify my subscribers of the next month’s book of the month. As many of you know, I read a lot and I have a book club on Goodreads. I normally have a link on my website that shows the book that I am currently reading. I thought that the newsletter would be an awesome way for all of us to be on the same page and prepare for the next month’s read. I will also tell you about books that I am reviewing. (If you would like to submit a book for a review, please visit the book review police page and submit a request.)
- To share with you, an occasional, word of wisdom from a seasoned Christian woman, wife, and mother. Monthly, I will what she has decided to share with us.
- To share with you an exclusive and personal word from my heart. This will be something that I share only in my newsletters and not on my blog.
Can you see why I am so excited about this newsletter?
It will be published monthly, at the end of each month. You should go ahead and subscribe, the first one will go out tomorrow, July 31, 2015.
[newsletter_signup_form id=1]
The Q & A
I have been married for almost 14 years and I have been a mother for almost 13 years. I have been a military wife, a student/mother, a stay at home mom, I was in the military, a working mother, and I have been woman of God for a very long time. God has also brought a few awesome women of God into my path that can offer some wisdom to the situations that you present to us. These women have 30 plus years of experience in being a wife and a mother…not to mention the 50 plus years of experience in being women. Who doesn’t need that type of wisdom?! I really want to answer questions and offer you these perspective about being a Christian woman, wife and mother. I know that these awesome power houses that God has sent us have some wisdom to share with both you and I.
There is now a tab on the site titled Q & A. You are able to submit your questions whenever you would like. You can submit the questions with your name or anonymously. One question will be answered every Friday. We will notify you when your question is being answered via email, but you could also subscribe to the blog to receive the notification of the posts to the blog, so that you can receive these updates in your email. (This link can be found in the right sidebar.)
I don’t know about you, but I am very excited about this! God is opening up so many door and giving me different ways to give you what you want.
Is there something that you would like to see in the newsletter or something a special element that you would like see me bring to the site, let me know by posting it in the comment section or filling out the contact form.
So make sure you subscribe to the blog to receive updates and to the newsletter for exclusive content.
What a fun new idea! I love it. I am still trying to figure out how/what I want to do with my newsletter.
Thank you. I am very excited and looking forward to sending it out in the future. Thanks for commenting. I hope you subscribed. 🙂