We have been talking about getting organized. There are a lot of things that you could get to stay organized, but there are three essential tools that you should make sure to not only acquire, but to hold on to and become very fond of.
1. Something to record with
I always keep pens with me. It is very important that you keep a pen with you at all times. If you don’t have a pen with you, at least have a device that you can use to record your thoughts.
So in thinking of something to record with, find a pen, pencil, or device that you like to look at and love to hold. You will use it a lot.
2. Something to record on
Now if you have something to record with, you know you need something to record on, but it needs to have room to hold your thoughts, lists, and goals. You need to be able to carry it with you everywhere. If you aren’t going to have it with you all of the time, why have it?
I personally use my Franklin Covey planner. I keep it with me all of the time. I am also very fond of how it looks. I love the way that it feels in my hands. I have also decorated it to look in a way, to me, that makes me want to look at it everyday.
You might even choose to start off with a todo list. You could use a journal or a notebook that you have.
I would recommend getting a planner or create your own. There are many options. I have tried a few of them.
3. Something that inspires you
This last thing is something that I believe will have a very strong impact on you while working on being organized. Find quotes, pictures, stories, goals, and anything else that inspires you.
Over the past few years, I have gathered things that I’ve come across, which inspired me. I’ve written them in my planner so that I could remember them. I have photos of my children, their drawings, notes from my husband, Bible quotes, quotes on planning and so much more in my planner. As I am using it, I find inspiration hidden within the pages.
What I am telling you is not that you have to do things my way. Instead I am saying that you have to find your way and make being organized and planning special to you. When it becomes special to you, you will begin to take responsibility for your actions. The effort that you put into being organized, even in the materialistic things, will begin to show in your life.
I hope this helps.
Today’s assignment is for you to
1. Find something to record with that you really like and will want to use a lot. You might even need to purchase something special.
2. Find something to record on. For the time being you could use a note book or note pad, but eventually you should look into using a planner or notebook that you can customize like a planner. (I can make recommendations later)
3. Begin to search for things that inspire you. Gather them together in one place. Look for quotes, pictures, stories, and anything else that you can think of that inspires you.
4. Pray that God would help you line things up so that you can get and stay organized.
5. Rest in Him
I look forward to discussing more with you tomorrow as we discuss getting it together.
If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations…leave me a comment below.
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