This morning I’m sitting here, thinking. I have something on my heart.
Normally I’d be thinking about my family, my day, my plans, my desires…but not today.
This morning I am thinking about the less fortunate. The poor…
There are poor people in this country. They live at a level that is below the normal American standard of living. This morning my heart goes out to them.
There are also poor people that live in other countries that not only live below a certain standard of living, but they are dying. Their children are dying. They search the trash and find no food. Not only that…they do not have basic human rights. There is no chance for them to get out of poverty…and there is no one in their country to help them because of a dictatorship.
They don’t have freedom of speech. Not even those that are considered the elite of the country. What they see, hear, and do is controlled by the government…
This is sad…
So this morning, I pray for all of the less fortunate. I pray for the abused. I pray for those that don’t even know what they are lacking because they are kept from knowing what they could have.
This morning I pray that we as Americans would not take our freedoms for granted. I pray that God would help us see how blessed we are. We are blessed to have food, water, shelter, books, television, music…choices.
If you understand what I’m saying, join me in this prayer.
Father God, we come to you humbly asking you first to forgive us if we have been ungrateful for the blessings that you have given us. Help us to see how blessed we are in this country and not to take it for granted. Help us to utilize the voices and freedoms that you have given us for your glory and your purpose, to help others. Father, help us to see with your eyes and hear with your ears, the needs of others. If we can help, let us help. If there is nothing that we can do, let us pray. Help those in need God. Help the mother that cannot feed her child or herself. Help that father that has no way of providing for his family. Help the broken and the wounded. Help the forgotten…we pray that the brainwashing would cease. We pray that all people would have basic human rights like freedom of speech. Lord do what only you can do. Go where only you can go. Save souls and lives. Show them that you are God.
In Jesus’ mighty name we pray…Amen
Cherish what you have been blessed with and I hope you have a great day…
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