I know you probably are wondering what I’ve been up to because I’ve been quiet for two weeks.
If you follow me on twitter, you’d see that i haven’t been that quiet. I just haven’t had a lot of time to stop and blog. Yet, I have been writing. As I mentioned in one of my first blogs for this year, one of my goals is two write a book. I’ve been a bit busy doing that.
I must say that it isn’t easy. I have so much to say about so many different topics and life lessons, that I am trying to make sure that I don’t overwhelm the reader.
I’m having fun though.
I am also studying. I have to be encouraged on a daily basis.
I’m the type of person that is always thinking and contemplating, so I have feed my brain with positive information. I read a lot and am often using devotionals to help me. I even use them when I pray.
I’ve been doing a lot of that too. I have to..
I’m not sure if you remember, but I’m in school.
Not only am I taking one class, but I am currently taking 5 classes. These aren’t normal classes either. They are Psychology classes. O_o
It is hard attempting to understand the human brain. We are very complex people. Through in all of our spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational aspects, and you have one of the reasons why I’m praying.
Studying people causes me to ask God a lot of questions.
I’m sure that I will get my answers…soon. The more that I study and seek Him, the more I will come to know.
I had a few sales in the past couple of months and I had to work on the orders.
I was doing really good, but I need to get the sizing of the items right.
My customer is making it easy, but understanding that I want to give her the best product possible and giving me time to do it.
More than anything else, I am busy with my babies.
Ok, so they aren’t all babies, but they are mine.
My kids are getting big.
My oldest is a preteen and getting to the place where he needs my husband and I less. However, we are still there to help him when he needs us.
This is taking a bit of processing for me. I know that life changes as kids get older, but it isn’t my normal.
I am trusting God to help my son as he grows older.
We are training him us in the way that he should go and we are trusting God to keep him in that way. (Proverbs 22:6)
These are just a few ways that I am staying busy. You know me. There is so much more that I’m doing. However, I’m also taking time to rest and enjoy life. There are 24 hours in a day and I’m loving every minute of it.
I just wanted to do a little blog update. I’ve got some things that I want to share from my heart, but I’ll have to come back and do that another time. I have a few class assignments that I have to do before the end of the day.
Stay encouraged and find a reason to smile. 🙂
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