Today I thought about sharing multiple posts. Yet, I sit here right now, thinking of how important it is to me that I share it. Not because it happened to me, but because I’m a mom. I feel for each person in this story event.
Please know that I am telling this story from my memory. It was told to me by someone I hold very dear.
A family was together one evening. There was mother, a daughter, and two sons. The daughter, in the 8th grade and the sons were in 6th & 7th. The two older children were telling their mother what they wanted for Christmas. The mother reminded them that she would not be able to get them very many gifts because of the youngest son’s birthday. The older two children got very upset. The next day the teacher became concerned because they had cupcakes and things ready to celebrate the youngest son’s birthday. As a matter of fact, none of the kids were at school. They call the mom. She told that they were no at school because her youngest had committed suicide the previous night. He wrote a letter saying how sorry he was that they could not get what they wanted because of him. They found him in his room. He hung himself from the fan.
Hearing this story broke my heart. I thought about all of the children that I know. I felt that I as a parent have to make sure that I showy children love and pay attention to what they say. I have to be in tune with how they feel and pray that God keep my kids safe. I have no idea oh that mom feels, but I pray that God comfort and heal her heart.
Let’s cherish our kids. Let’s pay attention to what the say. Go can we help them cope with life and the challenges that they will face? And for that next child who feels the same way, I pray that the God of peace would keep you and help you through a very hard time in your life. In Jesus’ name. -Amen
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