Over the past few years, I’ve read multiple blog posts of knitters that are able to complete projects within a weeks time. Let me be the first to say, I am not one of those knitters.
With so much going on in my life, it’s a blessing if I find time to get half way through a project in less than two weeks. I have decided, however, to attempt to complete projects at a faster pace.
One reason for my decision is that I want to sell my crafts on Etsy. I have a friend that crochets and she has an etsy store. Within a few months she made 17 sales that totaled about $400 dollars. I talked to her recently and Found her words very encouraging. In short she said, “get to work girl!” She knows how to inspire me.
So there are two items on my needles right now. The type of yarn, I’m not sure. I started working on these items at my leisure and didn’t annotate the yarn that I was using. I’ll be able to go back and check my ralvery stash to update them.
The first project is a basic shawl in brown. The second project it a multicolored hat. The hat is in a child’s size. I plan on making a scarf for it that will match.
So the truth…I may not be one of those knitters that can knock out multiple projects in a week, but I have a few goals that I’ll be working toward.
Do you have any goals that you’ve set or need to set in order to fee that you are progressing in some way? Tell me about it.
Nice. I have a prayer shawl on the floor next to “my” living room chair that needs to be finished off and trimmed. It is a gift for our niece who just had a baby but, oy, I just don’t feel like working on it!
I feel like that at times too. The thought of it is nice, but the work that goes along with it isn’t so pleasant. I guess it’s just remaining consistent that the problem. In order to finish the project, I actually have to work on it… When did she have her baby?
About a week and a half ago. It will get done. I just hate doing the fringe!
Well, I wish you the best. Maybe if you do a post on it, you’ll be motivated to finish it. It helps me. Do you think it’ll help you?
Worth a try. Thanks.
No problem…