On Saturday, I wrote a post about encouraging myself to finish a course quickly. I finished another course, but not the one that I mentioned in that post. In fact, I read all day. I didn’t have the energy or the strength to complete all of the assignments. My husband had to drill, so the kids and I were here as I tried to accomplish that feat. I think sometimes I expect too much from myself. I often times forget that I’m human… 🙂 I try to think that I can do it all. Then slowly, I am brought back to reality and shown that there is only so much that I can do.
Yes I admit it, my body gets tired and so does my mind at times. For this reason, I didn’t finish the class by Sunday, but my professor gave me more time. The Lord knows that I needed that. Now I’m finishing up the book that I had to read for my final paper and I’ll be working on it all this week. I’m trying to stay encouraged. School has been one of the hardest struggles of my life, but I’m doing it. I have a goal and I will accomplish it. The time frame may be moved forward or backward, but I still have the goal in my sight and I giving it my all.
Well, that’s my update…
Be kind to yourself. You are doing it!
You are so caring. Thank you. I’m glad to see you wrote a new post. I had been waiting. 🙂