Hurricane Sandy took place last week. The aftermath of the disaster is still affecting tons of Americans. When watching the news, I can’t help but to feel compassionate for the people that have lost everything. Many of them have no where to go. Others are walking around cold and hungry.
As I watch the news, I wish that I had so much more to give. It would be nice if I had homes to give away or food to feed everyone. I’ve realized that I want to do something. Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to stop wishing and do something.
I enjoy knitting and crocheting. I am going to take yarn that I have in my stash and make some hats, scarves, gloves, and fingerless gloves. Then I’m going to send them to my aunt in New York so that she can give them out to people in need. She told me that she is going to hand them out to the kids at school as well.
I was reminded yesterday that there is a lot that one individual can do in the world to make a difference. It may not seem like a lot, but the truth is that everything starts with one person. I am choosing to do what I can for the people that I am thinking of. The gifts and talents that I have could really help some people. Can you feel my excitement?!
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