“To be or not to be, that is this the question.” William Shakespeare
As I have lived my life, it seems that this question continues to come up. Is it ok to live this life as an individual. To be yourself and do as you desire in your heart. Not to be yourself is to take what you know that everyone else is expecting and project that on you. Well, this is what I have done for so long. I have contemplates, thought about, and stressed what everyone else thought of me. I have refrained from saying certain things because I thought that it was the best thing. I have said things in a certain way because I didn’t want to offend anyone, but the truth is no matter how hard I try, someone is going to get offended.
People are going to thing what they want of me regardless of my actions. Some of the best people that I know have had people say the worst things about them. So…I have decided that there isn’t anything else that I can be besides myself. This is what is best for me and my family. For all that I know, it could also be best for the people around me.
I have so much ore to say, but right now I have to cook dinner and then do some school work.
Until next time…
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