It has been 10 months since I was last able to give a family member a hug that didn’t live in my house. I am over 2,000 miles away from almost everyone who really knows me. There are times when I feel alone because I miss my mom or my best friend and I want to be surrounded by those that I know love me, besides my husband and kids. I’m sure that my kids and my husband feel like that sometime as well. We have each other and we keep each other company. Essentially we are all that we need, right?! We have tons of fun together and are always there for one another, but this move was a totally new experience for us. It was our first military move away from our family and friends. In essence, it has taken some adjusting, but it was a well needed adjustment. We needed to experience life as an individual unit. We needed to see another part of the country with our own eyes. We needed to have different experiences, but sometimes we miss the experiences that we had with family and friends.
I realize that there have been times that I have wondered how much my family and I are really missed. I have felt at times that some are glad that we are gone, but then I have to remind myself that that isn’t true. We are very loved and missed by those on the other side of the country that are dear to our hearts. The more I sit and think about this, I realize that our family and friends may feel the same way.
They may think that we are too busy for them. They may feel that we have forgotten about them. They may wonder if we even think about them. This is why it is so important to find ways to show our family that we care. This can be done through text messages, phone calls, emails, Facebook, twitter, and old fashion postal mail.
I find that there are times I hear the voices of my loved ones as the smile because we have called them. I’ve s en seen them tear up on Skype because they are so happy to see us. It helps me to understand that they miss us too. Although we are miles and time zones apart, we all still care and it’s important that we each never forget it.
I guess, today my heart was with those that we love and have been far away from for a while. I am going to do my best to stay in communication with our family members because they miss us as much as we miss them.
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