From the house wife to the busy executive, everyone has to eat, but most people don’t seem to have the time to slave over a stove for hours to make a meal for themselves and their families. Boggled down with daily activities like meetings, important phone calls, agendas, caring for kids, personal goals, cleaning, and other family or household responsibilities, the last thing that a normal individual has time to do is cook a well balanced meal.
Instead most people end up spend more of their hard earned money on food that they either don’t need or will never eat. The problem is that this lifestyle becomes very expensive when you choose not to meal plan. This is a normal lifestyle for most American families. Across the country dinners at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s is normal. Because of the normality of this lifestyle, the average family has been given more options. Instead of wasting money on gas to get to the fast food resturants, an family could just order in. Pizza and chineese seem to be the pime choice for most families. Although these families often eat out, they still take trips to the grocery store. Still, those prices add up. Shopping becomes a daunting task that ends in purchasing an excess of unneeded groceries that end up going to waste.
What is a family or individual to do? The answer is meal plan. Now that is a very simple answer, but if you don’t know where to start, it can become very difficult.
Choosing Meals
The first step in meal planning is to choose your meals. There are many resources out there. Cook books are available at many different venues. You could borrow, purchase, or get a cook book from the library. Another resource is the cooking magazine. There are many cooking magazines on the stands. They normally include tips on making a meal, purchasing the products needed to create that perfect meal, and much needed coupons. Some magazines that may be useful are Taste of Home, Rachel Ray, and Food Network. If none of these resources are available you can check out tons of new recipes on the web. After you have gained access to these resources, take your time to go through them. Pictures often time help decide which meals to use.
Meal Calendar
Once you have chosen the resources the you will be using, it is time to start planning. You can base the length of your meal plan on the date that you plan on going grocery shopping. To begin with you will need a piece of paper or a computer. You want to list the days of the week with the corresponding date and a space for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each day. If you normally find yourself eating snacks throughout the day, you should add a section for snacks as well. As you go through the resourses choosing meals for each day, list the location of the meal. If it is in a magazine, you will want to list the year and month of the issus as well as the page number. Make sure that you include the website, card, or book title and any corresponding information to assist you in locating the meal when it is time to cook.
Once you listed each meal and it’s location, you will want to decide where you will post this menu. It is good to have it in a visible place that you see everyday. Some helpful places are the refrigerator, a chalk board, or a poster board. Placing the menu in these locations serve as a reminder. Those who will share your meals with you will be glad to know what expect to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Shopping List
After you have created your menu, you will need to use it to create your shopping list. There are applications on the iphone and the android phones that will assist in this step. If you don’t have access to those apps can make a list on either a computer or a piece of paper. These applications will allow you to track your grocery list history, prices of items that you buy, and order the list by isles in normal grocery store.
Creating a grocery list will help to keep you on your target budget for groceries. You have to commit to sticking to the list. Remember, you listed your snacks and meals for the time period that you determined.
Cooking it
In order to complete your stree-free process, you will need to cook the meals. On any given day, you have a guide to help you. Every morning you should take out the meat and the appropriate ingredients for the dinner that you will prepare that evening. Breakfast and lunch should not require much defrosting, so this isn’t normally required.
The plan is to check the meal plan as well as the recipe. Follow the instruction. Cook the meal and relax. These are the steps that you can take to plan stress free meals. That’s right! No more wondering what you will eat and if you have to take an unexpected trip to the grocery store. If there is any other stress that you find in your life, it will not be because you lack time, enegry, and a plan for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
salutations from across the ocean. informative blog I will return for more.