It wasn’t an easy weekend for Precious. She was in her brother, X-Man’s room on Saturday and had taken some stickers. X-man reached out to grab the stickers, and like normal, Precious threw herself back. When she did, she hit her head on the corner of X-man’s bed. There was a big gash in the back of her head and we had to take her to the hospital.
I was so upset, but I couldn’t let that show on my face. My husband was pretty calm too. We knew that we had to take her to the er, but our concern was what she was going to have to endure once we got there. So we got everyone dressed and packed her little Dora book bag. We got in the car and headed to my mother-inlaw’s house. The boys stayed with her while we took Precious to the hospital.
We put a piece of gauze on her head and I wrapped it with a scarf, hence the picture. Once we arrived at the children’s department of the hospital er, it was within 20 minutes that we were seen. I asked the nurse what the doctors would probably do for Precious. She told me that they would probably give her staples in the back of her head. As you could imagine, this made my heart sink right into my stomach. I had already prayed at home, but now I needed to pray again. I simply asked God to make it so that she could just get stitches or nothing at all. That perhaps the doctors would say that it wasn’t necessary to put stitches of staples in her head. After waiting about 10 more minutes, we were taken to a room in the back.
Once in the room, we were promptly visited by our nurse and the person in charge of registering Precious in the computer. Not long after, and I do mean about 20 minutes, the doctor came into the room. She looked at Precious’s 1 1/4 gash and decided that would be going home soon. It turned out that we were not her only patient with a head injury. She had on little girl who was standing on her top bunkbed when her brother turned on the fan and it wacked her in the head. Then there was a little boy who was helping his dad with the laundry and decided to jump off of the laundry basket. He hit the floor and was now in a room on the same hall as us. Both of these patients needed either stitches or staples, but because of the simplicity of Precious’s gash, the doctor decided to use glue. That’s right, God heard my prayer, Precious was not getting stitches or staples. Within in 10 minutes we were out of there.
Well, Precious got a toy and the rest of her night was better, but when her daddy went to pick up some lunch for all of us, she cried and cried. I guess this was the equivalent to hitting her head. I mean, she cried more for her daddy than she did about her gash. When he finally came back she decided that she wanted to lay down with him. This is what happened… it just melts my heart to see the two of them…
Good to see a tanlet at work. I cant match that.
Super jazezd about getting that know-how.
Your story was raelly informative, thanks!
Grazi for making it nice and EZ.
Mark Brdley – You are truly amazing at what you do, the iertucps prove it glad to see all is well congratulations on all parts and wish you luck as well as many bleesings for good things come to those who strive forward with the word of the Lord once again congratulationsAugust 26, 2010 12:46 am
Ya learn somethnig new everyday. It’s true I guess!
That’s an ingenious way of thkiinng about it.
If I communicated I could thank you euongh for this, I’d be lying.
Didn’t know the forum rules alloewd such brilliant posts.
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much eseair!
Apperciatoin for this information is over 9000-thank you!
Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putntig it!
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of snsuihne.
Please keep thwroing these posts up they help tons.
A miloiln thanks for posting this information.
I like your intriguing words. topnotch contribution. I hope you release many. I will carry on watching
Thanks for the encouraging words.