Being a mom is a task. It’s a full time job. It’s not just about the cleaning, cooking, and taking the kids to school. There are a lot of decisions that moms have to make. There are big questions like, “can I pack my lunch for school tomorrow,” “where are my Elmo socks,” and not to mention the big one, “can I have a snack?” These questions could plague the everyday individual and drive them up the wall, but to a mother it’s an everyday occurrence. Did I mention that with all that a mother has to do, she has to schedule herself a shower. At least this mother over here does. That’s funny, huh?! I guess you would think so. Yep, but that’s that life of a mom.
Really, there are things that moms have to think about that others don’t. I have to ask myself almost everyday how much do we have planned to do and how much of it are we really going to get done. I have to look at my kids and make sure that they aren’t getting worn out from all of the running, doing, and visiting. I even have to make sure that the aren’t suffocated by being in the house too much. That seems like a lot, but I thank God that He helps me along the way. I mean, without Him, I don’t think I would make it and I probably wouldn’t be to good of a mom either. I’m not exaggerating. This job is a hard one and I tip my hat off to those mothers who have to work outside of the home and inside of the home. Thank God for the grace that He gives us to be who He has called us to be.
So tonight I have had to make an executive decision…all events must stop. My son passed out doing his homework and we had somewhere to go, but I think it will be alright if we don’t go, this time.
AFAICT you’ve cvoeerd all the bases with this answer!
What a neat article. I had no ikinnlg.
You’re the one with the barins here. I’m watching for your posts.