Renegade- an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior
Conventional behavior of a bus driver- pick up kids
Its 6:40am and I have my keys in my hand. I’m telling my oldest son to go the car and get his jacket. As he walks out the door, he see his bus flying by the house. Now his bus was supposed to be at the bus stop at 6:45am, but all at once she had made her way past six different stops. Before I could yell out anything, my son is running down the street after the bus. He finally stops and turns around disappointed. I’m not sure if it was because the bus didn’t slow down or because he really thought that he was going to be able to catch it. At the speed she was going, she drove all the way around our neighborhood which is about 13 streets in less than six minutes. So I jumped in my car, shoes off, and drove my son to the bus. I cut through a couple of streets to get to the other side of the neighborhood. When I got there I wasn’t surprised to see other parents who had jumped in the car with their kids, to take them to the bus. There also came a long line of kids running to the bus. I asked a parent who was standing by the bus to let the driver know that there were kids around the neighborhood waiting to be picked up. She came back saying that the bus driver was looking at her like she was crazy. As I drove off I asked the driver to put her window down and she had a look on her face like I know. Did she know that there were many parents driving through the neighborhood trying to find that bus?
It was a sight to see. All I could think was renegade bus driver. Yes she is new, but she has made these stops before. My son told me that she does this in other neighborhoods as well. I guess she says, “You know what, I’m not picking them up. I know I’m early, but if they aren’t out here, their getting left.” I wonder what her plan was. Did she plan on showing up at the school with 70% of the students on her bus missing? I wonder what the administrators would have said…”You didn’t feel like picking them up this morning, huh? It’s ok. I’ve been there before”… I think not!
Too funny! Well in a, ” I hope that never happens again, kinda way.” It could have been frustration, but it wasn’t. It made for a good laugh this morning. And I wish I had my camera to catch my son running down the block, chasing after the renegade bus driver.
No more s***. All posts of this quliaty from now on
Thats not just logic. Thats really snelsibe.
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowdlege?!
I will be putting this dazzling iinshgt to good use in no time.
I want to send you an award for most helpful internet writer.
Great post!
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