BUZZ!!! Busy Bee…
It was a very busy week, last week. There are so many things that I want to blog about on the Being Mom 3 page, but I’m going to have to actually sit down and think about the days of the past week and organize my thoughts. I am excited about all of the different resources that I have found to blog about.
On the flip side of being so busy, I am always looking for a bit of down time. Yet when I find some, I don’t know what to do with myself. I enjoy doing so many things that it is hard to decide what to do. I know that I don’t just want to sit down and do nothing…at least that is what I think. There are just so many possibilities.
There is
- knitting
- crocheting
- scrapbooking
- singing
- writing
- my hair
- my nails
- clean
- laundry
- reading
- researching
- blogging
- face-booking
- watching a movie
- listening to music
- nothing…
I’m sure that there is a lot more that I think about doing. For instance, I just realized that I have other websites that I maintain.
Yesterday was Sunday and I decided not to do much on the computer, so I played outside with the kids for a while. Then I worked on a knitted sock that I am working on. It’s a nice plum purple color. Knitting helps me to relax and so that is something that I often find myself wanting to do.
This week, I have a lot planned also. I think I am going to have to sit down and really work out my schedule. Perhaps I should look at the things that I have to get done verses the things that I want to get done and see how that works.
Well, I just wanted to take a moment to blog…that was my moment.
YMMD with that anwser! TX
All of my questions steteldthanks!
Well put, sir, well put. I’ll cetranily make note of that.
Hi I must say, I’m impressed with the web site. I had no toubrle directing by means of each of the navigation bars and knowledge has been easy to gain access to. I ran across what I desired immediately in any way. Fairly awesome. Would be thankful if you increase community forums as well, it might be a great means for your customers to activate. Great job!