This morning I woke up and I smiled. As I ironed my sons clothes for school and thought about my day, I just smiled more. My husband asked me why I was smiling so big. At first I wasn’t sure. Then I realized it was because my daughter had slept all night. She didn’t get up one time to ask me to put the blanket on her. She didn’t wake up to ask me about her favorite Violet. Since she slept all night, so did I. Not only did she sleep all night, but she didn’t wake me up either. I am so thankful. A full night of rest has done my body good.
In the past I would wake up tired and moody. Not getting enough rest was really taking a tole on my body, so I began to pray and ask God for some help. I just could not figure out how to get her to go to sleep peacefully, stay asleep soundly, and wake up joyfully. It turns out, that was not my job. It was God’s and I am so glad that he did it. I just stuck to the sam routine that I have always done with her and he did the rest.
Rest…the body needs rest. It cannot function properly without it. I would stay up all night and wake up early and wonder why I was moody. Yes, honestly, I was moody. Last night I went to bed early. I had already completed my school work and didn’t need to stay up all night. Now I am able to take some time today to have fun with my kids.
We are going on a nice picnic with some other moms. I have never met them. They are a part of a mom’s group that my neighbor goes to. She invited me out and since I got all of my work done, why not. It should be fun. I am a little nervous about meet the mothers in the mom group. It has been a while since I was introduced to a whole new group of women who already knew each other. I used to attend the mops group back home. I miss some of my friends, but I’m sure that this is good for me.
My birthday and Valentines day are just around the corner. This is always an exciting time for me. I get to start a new year of my life. This is when I normally reflect on the past year of my life. I am so thankful for all that God has blessed me with. He has given me a wonderful husband, great children, awesome family and friends. Not only that, but there is nothing that I honestly have to want for. He provides everything that I need and want. I serve an awesome God. I just really enjoy this time of year because it is a very happy loving time when we all show each other how much we care for one another. I’m not only looking forward to a great weekend, but a great two weeks. Next weekend, we are taking our kids to see the Fresh Beat Band. It should be cool. We all really enjoy the t.v show. They have been waiting weeks to go and I am excited about taking time away where I don’t have to cook or clean. I can just relax and enjoy the scenery.
The other day I received some roses from my father in-law. It was really sweet, but the best part is that he is overseas and thought about me and my daughter. He sent me roses from FTD and my daughter got a teddy bear, that she just loves. This is what I mean. It is the time of year when we all just show each other some love. My kids are even looking forward to the chocolate candy and cards that they are going to get. Love is so exciting…
Wow! I feel GREAT!!!