Sometimes life gets challenging. Obstacles arise and we find ourselves in the midst of being shaken. Not knowing what to do or how to react, we can easily put ourselves in the wrong predicament, if we are not careful. This is why it is so important to have a time of prayer, reflection, and contemplation in our lives.
The above example doesn’t mean that we have something horrible or devastating happening in our lives. Instead it is just a normal occurrence to have life challenges that cause us to act, or in some cases react.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I wish I knew what to say and do all of the time, but I don’t. Since I am aware of this, I don’t try to figure things out all on my own.
There used to be a time when I didn’t have a friend to call on in a time of need. In those situations, I learned to journal about my situation. I would pray that God would give me wisdom. I would read my Bible and once I believed I had an answer, I would act. Those days were hard, and I must admit, there are still times when I am unable to ask anyone , but God for help.
I’m glad that God is always there
He says that he will give us wisdom if we just ask for it.(James 1:5) When we feel lonely, He tells us to draw close to Him and He will draw near to us. (James 4:8)
I thank God for those times when He shows Himself strong in my life.
I am also very thankful for the friendships that I have now. I am able to call on a few women to pray and offer sound counsel. The Bible says that there is safety in counsel (Proverbs 24:6), but I never realized how safe it could feel until I had it.
Now when I have those challenging moments, I don’t abandon what I have always known. I still take time out to focus on what is happening in my life and around me. I journal about the issues and cares that are upon my heart. I pray and ask God for His infinite wisdom. I look for Him to move in my life. I also call for a praying, God-fearing, wise woman to assist me.
This morning I took the time to do this and some how, now that I’m done…the sun is shining a little brighter. My smile is a little bigger and my load is a little lighter.
What do you do when you are faced with life’s challenges? Do you journal or do you reflect on life in another way? Do you pray about the situation and wait on God to answer you and give you direction? Do you have a friend to call on or are you in that stage of life that I described earlier, where it’s just you and God?
I’d love to hear from you today…
This is just me, hoping that I am encouraging you as I am encouraging myself…
I do all of the above! I didn’t always grasp that God was there even when no one else was. Since coming into the light and realizing that, prayer is definitely some thing i do more and more…
Thats great! Remembering that He is there is something that I often have to remind myself of. This world does a good job of telling us that God is too busy, but once we realize that the world is wrong, life changes.
Thanks for commenting.
Love this peace! Great share on self reflection for sure.
Thank you. I’m so glad that you commented. 🙂